

January 19, 2006


Carson Ballroom, Old Main, Arizona State University

Keynote Speaker

Daniel L. Childers, Florida International University and Lead PI of Florida Coastal Everglades LTER.


Land-use and land-cover change

Alexander Buyantuyev and Jianguo Wu. Characterizing Phoenix Urban Growth Patterns with Landscape Metrics Based on Remote Sensing Data: Effects of Thematic Resolutions (pdf)

Yoshihiro Kobayashi. 3D Downtown Phoenix Modeling (pdf)

Matthias S. Moeller. Large-Scale Urban Change Mapping by Remote Sensing (pdf)

Jason Walker and Ellen Banzhaf. Urban Tree Cover of Leipzig, Germany (pdf)

Jason Walker and Thomas Blaschke. A High-Resolution Urban Landcover Classification Scheme for Phoenix (pdf)

Climate-ecosystems interactions

Alexander Buyantuyev, Anthony Brazel, and Chris Eisinger. Estimating Anthropogenic Heat Discharge and the Urban Heat Island (UHI) of Phoenix with Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data (pdf)

James Clancy, Adam Kalkstein, Daniel Gerrity, and Michael Kuby. An Analysis of Air-Mass Effects on the Use of Rail Transit Systems (pdf)

Susanne Grossman-Clarke and Joseph A. Zehnder. Testing a Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme in MM5 for the Phoenix Metropolitan Region: Influence of Urbanization on Weather in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region (pdf)

Catherine K. Singer and Chris A. Martin. Effects of Surface Mulches on Soil Moisture Content and Leaf Relative Water Content of Atriplex canescens (pdf)

Catherine K. Singer and Chris A. Martin. A Comparison of Inorganic and Organic Surface Mulches on Rates of Soil Respiration. (pdf)

Fluxes of materials and socio-ecosystem response

Bradley Brown and Hilairy Hartnett. Determination of Bulk Dissolved Organic Carbon Content in the Verde River-Reservoir System (pdf)

Daniel A. Gonzales and Jonathan O. Allen. Dry Deposition of Fine Aerosol Nitrogen to an Agricultural Field Measured by Eddy-Correlation Mass Spectrometry (pdf)

Hilairy Hartnett and Bradley Brown. Evolution of Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Tempe Town Lake: Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Processes (pdf)

Elisabeth K. Larson and Nancy B. Grimm. Experimental Assessment of Nitrate Filtration Capacity of Xeriscaped Stormwater Retention Basin Soils (pdf)

Anandamayee Majumdar, Jason Kaye, Corinna Gries, Diane Hope, and Nancy Grimm. Does Urbanization Affect the Total N, C and Nutrient Concentrations in the Soil? (pdf)

Michelle McCrackin, Tamara Harms, and Nancy Grimm. The Sky is Falling: Soil Microbial Responses to Deposition from the Urban Atmosphere (pdf)

Brandon McLean, Panjai Prapaipong, Natalya Zolotova, and Everett Shock. The Geochemical Response of Rivers to Storm Events as Indicators of Watershed Processes

Panjai Prapaipong and Everett Shock. Chemical Footprints of Urbanization upon River Compositions (pdf)

Christina P. Wong, Laura Murawski, Katalin Szlavecz, Richard V. Pouyat, Peter Marra, Ryan Casey, and Steve Lev. Heavy Metal Variations in Residential Soil Communities along an Urban to Rural Gradient (pdf)

Jianguo Wu, Weijun Shen, Nancy B. Grimm, and Diane Hope. Effects of Urbanization-Induced Environmental Changes on Desert Ecosystem Functioning (pdf)

Xiaoding Zhuo, Panjai Prapaipong, and Everett Shock. Patterns of Trace Element Distributions in the Urban-Desert System (pdf)

Human control of biodiversity

Robert Bills and Jean Stutz. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Suppression on Productivity of Encelia farinosa (Brittlebush) at an Urban and a Desert Site (pdf)

Stanley H. Faeth, Wendy A. Marussich, Paige S. Warren, and Eyal Shochat Trophic Dynamics in Urban Ecosystems. (pdf)

Kris J. Gade. The Role of Transportation Corridors in Plant Migration in and around Phoenix, Arizona, an Arid Urban Area (pdf)

Scott Sprague, Lisa Shender, and Chantel O’Brien. Wildlife Use of Preserved Natural Habitats Within the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pdf)

Paige S. Warren, Phil Tarrant, Erin Adley, J. Morgan Grove, Eyal Shochat, and Stan Faeth. Humans in the Urban Food Web: Emerging Insights from Phoenix and Baltimore (pdf)

Human dimensions of ecological research

Scott E. Ingram. Archaeological Contributions to Contemporary Socioecological Issues (pdf)

Kelli Larson, Rosanne Servis, David Casagrande, Elizabeth Farley-Metzger, Sharon Harlan, Larissa Larson, and Scott Yabiku. Landscape Preferences in the Arid Southwest: Comparative Results from the Phoenix Area Social Survey and North Desert Village (pdf)

Melissa Kruse, Hoski Schaafsma, Karen Schollmeyer, John Briggs, Kari Horn, Keith Kintigh, Chien Lai, Katherine Spielmann, and Caitlin Wichlacz. Legacies on the Landscape: Integrating Ecology and Archaeology on the Agua Fria National Monument, Arizona (pdf)

Hoski Schaafsma, Katie Johnson, and John Briggs. Messages from the Past: How Modern Landscapes Reveal Prehistoric Land Use Patterns (pdf)

Timothy Tyrrell and Sacnict Valdez del Rio. The Nature of Economic Value

Information management, outreach and education

Laura Dugan, Laura Fisher, and Bethany Lund. Baseline Data for a Burned Area in South Mountain Park in Phoenix, Arizona (pdf)

Laura Dugan, Les Landrum, Corinna Gries, Martin Wojciechowski, and Diane Hope. A System for Creating, Storing, and Identifying Plant Voucher Specimens from a Large Sampling Area (pdf)

Corinna Gries, Diane Hope, Nancy B. Grimm, Stanley Faeth, Chris Martin, Paige Warren, Jana Hutchins, Charles Redman, Will Stefanov, Matthias Moeller, and Jennifer Edmonds. Long-Term Monitoring Data at CAP (pdf)

Maya L. Kapoor, Ann P. Kinzig, and Charles Perrings. The CAP LTER Ecosystem Services Assessment: An Interdisciplinary Pilot Study (pdf)

Darren Ruddell, Anne Gustafson, Jason Walker, and Sharon Harlan. Plans for the 2006 Phoenix Area Social Survey (pdf)

Charlene Saltz, Nancy Crocker, Danielle Taddy, and Monica Elser. Service at Salado, an Urban Environmental Service-Learning Project (pdf)

Charlene Saltz, Monica Elser, Kim Michel, and Bethany Cutts. Water Education Provider Survey Results (pdf)

Lynn Stinson-Keys, Monica Elser, and Charlene Saltz. Ecology Explorers: K-12 Student Contributions to the CAP LTER Project

Decision Center for a Desert City

Robert C. Balling Jr. and Gregg B Goodrich. Drought Determinations for the Colorado River Basin (pdf)

Tim Collins, Bob Bolin, Yolonda Youngs, and Melanie Tluczek. Peri-Urban Growth, Water Conflicts, and Vulnerability in the Verde Watershed (pdf)

Andrew Ellis, Gregg Garfin, Robert Balling, Jr., and Christopher Graham. Climate Variability and Change (pdf)

Brent C. Hedquist and Erin Comparri. Spatial Expansion of the Greater Phoenix Urban Heat Island (1990-2004) (pdf)

ISubhro Guhathakurta. mpact of Urban Heat Island on Residential Water Use (pdf)

Craig Kirkwood, L. Robin Keller, and Nancy Jones. Decision Research in Water Resources Management: A Multiple-Objective, Multiple-Stakeholder Analysis (pdf)

Timothy Lant. A System Dynamics Model for Water Supply and Demand in Greater Phoenix (pdf)

John T. Murphy and Ann P. Kinzig. The Hohokam Water Management Simulation: Collaborative Modeling of a Complex Coupled Human/Environmental System (pdf)

Arianne Peterson, Peter Howe, Margaret White, Dave White, and Elizabeth Corley. Expert Perspectives on Science, Politics, and Water Management in Phoenix (pdf)

Elizabeth Wentz and Patricia Gober. Factors Influencing Residential Water Consumption for the City of Phoenix, Arizona (pdf)

Michael Zoldak, Shea Lemar, Ruth Jensen, and Jana Hutchins. Workflows: GIS Data to a Visualization Environment (pdf)