Senior fellows
With their seasoned expertise, Swette Center senior fellows bring a rich reservoir of experience and knowledge in fields related to sustainable food systems. Their contributions extend across the spectrum of the center’s research and policy endeavors, complemented by a commitment to our educational programs and the next generation of food systems leaders. Senior fellows play a pivotal part in shaping the strategic direction of the center, guiding projects that aim to address pressing issues in food sustainability while fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders.

Senior Fellow
Nadia El-Hage Scialabba is a food ecologist who, for more than three decades, served as Senior Environment Officer at the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Her extensive publication list includes seminal works on organic agriculture, true cost accounting and food system governance. Nadia resides in Rome, Italy and consults with many organizations and governments.

Senior Fellow
Catherine Greene is well known for groundbreaking economic analysis of the US organic agriculture sector. A Senior Economist with the USDA Economic Research Service, Cathy retired from ERS after 36 years when the agency was moved to Kansas City. Cathy lives in Virginia and serves on the board of the Organic Farming Research Foundation.

Senior Fellow
Ferd Hoefner is a federal food and agriculture consultant based in metro-DC. A fierce advocate for small and midsized family farms, Ferd helped found the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and for 32 years served as its policy lead. NSAC continues to benefit from his wise counsel, along with grassroots sustainable agriculture organizations across the country.

Mark Killian
Senior Fellow
Mark Killian is a proud ASU graduate, rancher and proprietor of Killian Angus Ranch LLC. He is a well-known Arizona policymaker, having served 33 years in state government, including many years in the state legislature, including as Speaker of the House. He served on the Board of Regents and as Director of the AZ Department of Revenue and, most recently, as Director of the AZ Department of Agriculture.

Senior Fellow
Pam Marrone is a renowned STEM leader who resides in California. A successful entrepreneur and holder of more than 400 patents, Pam has founded and led companies focused on biological products for pest management and plant health, including her most recent venture the Invasive Species Corporation. She serves on many boards, including the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research.

Senior Fellow
Alexander Müller lives in Berlin, Germany and is founder of TMG, ThinkTank for Sustainability. He is former Assistant Director of the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and State Secretary for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture in Germany. Alexander has vast experience in global sustainability governance and led TEEBAgriFood, an initiative that launched True Cost Accounting.

Senior Fellow
Bob Nash is an Arkansas-based consultant working with corporate, non-profit, and political clients. His expertise spans management, community development, philanthropy, finance, and human resources. Among his many executive positions, Bob served as Director of Presidential Personnel and Assistant to President Bill Clinton and USDA Under Secretary for Rural and Community Development.

Senior Fellow
Malik Yakini is co-founder and Executive Director of the Detroit Black Community Food Sovereignty Network, an organization dedicated to Black community self-determination. Malik is a founding member of the National Black food Justice Alliance, and former principal of Nsoroma Institute Public School Academy, an African-centered school.