

February 19, 2003


Arizona Room, Memorial Union, Arizona State University


CAP LTER core monitoring

Diane Hope and Corinna Gries. Core monitoring for CAPII – an interactive virtual poster display. (pdf)

Ecological surveys and experiments

Lane Butler, Sean Whitcomb, and Jean Stutz. Small-scale spatial patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal infectivity in an experimental urban landscaped site.

Monica Elser and Charlene Saltz. K-12 student contributions to the CAP LTER project. (pdf)

G. Darrel Jenerette and Jianguo Wu. Multiple-scale spatial variation of terrestrial ecosystems in an urbanized desert environment.

David B. Lewis, Linda B. Stabler, and Chris Martin. Ecological stoichiometry of horticulture: Consequences of pruning and irrigation for plant and soil chemistry. (pdf)

Darin K. Mahkee and Chris A. Martin. Leaf morphology of four landscape taxa in response to irrigation volume and pruning frequency. (pdf)

Wendy A. Marussich and Stanley H. Faeth. Comparing trophic dynamics in urban and desert ecosystems using arthropod communities on brittlebush (Encelia farinosa). (pdf)

Rebecca McCulley and Jason Kaye. Soil microbial communities in urban ecosystems compared to nearby native grasslands and agriculture. (pdf)

Matthew Ross, David Jennings, Christopher Putnam, Thomas Small, and Pierre Deviche. Home range sizes of Cactus Wrens (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) at Arizona State University. (pdf)

Diana Stuart, Madhusudan Katti, and Will R. Turner. The r(iparian) factor: A comparison of Phoenix and Tucson avifauna. (pdf)

Sean Whitcomb and Jean Stutz. Small-scale spatial patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in an experimental urban landscaped site. (pdf)

Sean Whitcomb and Jean Stutz. Pruning effects on root length density, root biomass, and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in two shrubs in a simulated xeric landscaped yard.

Land use and landscape: Assessment and influence on spatial distributions

Sarah B. Celestian and Chris A. Martin. Urban land use and surface cover: Effects on soil temperatures. (pdf)

Madhusudan Katti and Peter McCartney. The distribution of bird species diversity in the Phoenix metro area: Visualizing the spatial patterns of diversity in an expanding urban matrix. (pdf)

Mark Klett, Matthew Alan Lord, and Michael Lundgren. A rephotographic survey of landscape change and persistence for the Greater Phoenix 2100 project. (pdf)

Maik Netzband and William L. Stefanov. Remote sensing and landscape metrics for global ecological monitoring. (pdf)

William L. Stefanov. Assessment of landscape fragmentation associated with urban centers using ASTER data. (pdf)

Water management and water quality

Lawrence A. Baker, Paul Westerhoff, and Milton Sommerfeld. Management strategy to reduce tastes and odors in Phoenix’s water supply. (pdf)

Alan Fortuna, Qiang Hu, Milton Sommerfeld, and Paul Westerhoff. Physiologial studies of MIB- and geosmin-producing cyanobacteria isolated from the Phoenix drinking water supply system. (pdf)

Paul A. Ivanich, James A. Tyburczy, J Ramón Arrowsmith, and Mimi Diaz. Measuring bedrock topography using gravity to understand subsidence along a portion of the CAP canal in northeast Scottsdale. (pdf)

Laura Musacchio. Landscape ecological classification and analysis of a 100-year floodplain corridor in the Phoenix metropolitan region.

W. John Roach and Nancy B. Grimm. Nutrient cycling along an urban desert lake chain: The effects of anthropogenic modifications of Indian Bend Wash.

CAP LTER data/information management

Corinna Gries, Shalini Prasad and Cindy Zisner. A virtual tour of CAP LTER. (pdf)

Peter McCartney, Corinna Gries, Robin Schoeninger, Amy Sundermier, and Ed Gilbert. The Southwest Environmental Information Network. (pdf)

Environmental and socio-economic interaction

Bob Bolin, Scott Smith, Ed Hackett, Sara Grineski, Tim Collins, Deepa Vuppaladadium, and Jennie Kronenfeld. Toxic tracts: A historical geography of environmental inequality in Phoenix, Arizona. (pdf)

Victoria Goodman.Time of transition: The effects of change in hunter-gatherer societies. (pdf)

Sharon Harlan, Tom Rex, Larissa Larsen, Edward Hackett, Andrew Kirby, Shapard Wolf, Amy Nelson, Robert Bolin, Diane Hope, and Nancy Jones. The Phoenix Area social survey: Community and environment in a desert metropolis. (pdf)

Nancy Jones, Anthony Brazel, Christopher Eisinger, Sharon Harlan, Brent Hedquist, Sara Grineski, Darrel Jenerette, Larissa Larsen, Matthew Lord, John Parker, Lela Preshad, Nancy Selover, William L. Stefanov, and Danielle Zeigler. Neighborhood ecosystems: Human-vegetation-climate interactions in a desert metropolis. (pdf)

Madhusudan Katti, Eyal Shochat, and J. Marty Anderies. Living in the city: Resources, predation, foraging behavior, and population dynamics. (pdf)

Chris A. Martin, Paige Warren, and Ann Kinzig. Landscape vegetation in small urban parks and surrounding neighborhoods: Are socioeconomic characteristics a useful predictor of vegetation taxa richness and abundance? (pdf)

Mark Roberts, Mele Koneya, Peter Burnett, Rita Walton, Don Worley, and Anubhav Bagley. Land use and socioeconomic modeling at MAG. (pdf)

Hoski Schaafsma, Kris Gade, Michelle Elliott, Destiny Crider, Cathryn Meegan, and Steve Swanson. Investigating environmental and social heterogeneity in a landscape perspective: A Hohokam case study. (pdf)

Linda B. Stabler and Chris A. Martin. Carbon and water relations of Nerium oleander in simulated urban landscapes. (pdf)

Steve Swanson, Destiny Crider, Cathryn Meegan, Michelle Elliott, Kris Gade, and Hoski Schaafsma. Long-term cultural and ecological responses to changes in climate in central Arizona AD 900-AD 1200. (pdf)

Paige Warren, Ann Kinzig, Mary Cox, Morgan Grove, Chris Martin, and Charles Nilon. Human socioeconomic factors predict avian diversity in two cities. (pdf)

Local climate and atmospheric deposition

James Anderson, H. Joe S. Fernando, Peter Hyde, Raymond Redman, and Hua Xin. Temporal patterns of “Unhealthy” to “Hazardous” concentration maxima for coarse particles (PM10) in southwest Phoenix during typical low wind speed connections.

Daniel A. Gonzales and Jonathan O. Allen. Aerosol nutrient deposition measured by eddy-correlation mass spectrometry. (pdf)

Susanne Grossman-Clarke, Diane Hope, Sang-Mi Lee, H. Joe S. Fernando, Peter G. Hyde, William L. Stefanov, and Nancy B. Grimm. Modeling temporal and spatial characteristics of nitrogen dry deposition in the Phoenix metropolitan area. (pdf)

Susanne Grossman-Clarke, Joseph A. Zehnder, and William L. Stefanov. Effects of urban land cover modifications in a mesoscale meteorological model on surface temperature and heat fluxes in the Phoenix metropolitan area. (pdf)

Diane Hope, Susanne Grossman-Clarke, Sang-Mi Lee, H. Joe S. Fernando, Peter G. Hyde, William L. Stefanov, and Nancy B. Grimm. The importance of dry deposition to the nitrogen mass balance of an arid urban ecosystem. (pdf)

Margot Kaye, Anthony Brazel, Maik Netzband, and Madhusudan Katti.Perspectives on a decade of climate in the CAP LTER region. (pdf)

Dana Perry, James Anderson, and Peter R. Busek. Analysis of atmospheric particles deposited onto mesquite leaves in the Central Arizona – Phoenix LTER area. (pdf)