Mountain Sunset


Featured research project

Solar Panels on Dry Grass

Arizona rooftop solar challenge

As a participant in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Rooftop Solar Challenge–a program designed to spur solar-power deployment by streamlining permitting processes and cutting red tape–the Arizona Rooftop Challenge is launching its efforts to reduce barriers and lower costs for rooftop solar systems in Arizona.

Focus areas

Solar electric

To achieve sustained growth of solar electricity, the solar electric group will increase contribution of solar energy generation, enable systems that are scalable to market and continue cost and performance improvements.

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Energy and society

The energy and society group of LightWorks aims to transition toward a sustainable energy future by employing social and humanistic sciences that address and promote policy and public engagement.

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Sustainable fuels and products

Sustainable fuels and products is a coordinated, interdisciplinary network of researchers within LightWorks that addresses high impact opportunities to enable and advance the production of sustainable fuels and products to meet society’s grand energy challenges. LightWorks coordinates and develops strategic collaborations between our researchers and new potential partners.

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Solar Panels on Dry Grass

Arizona Rooftop Solar Challenge

Brown metal tower photo

Center for Bio-Inspired Fuel Production


Center for Negative Carbon Emissions

Co2 Pictures

Electrochemical CO2 capture and release

US Navy Sung Jin Cho


Sustainable Power Photo

The Household Independent Power Project