
The U.S. Navy is focused on continuously improving energy effectiveness in its operations and wishes to explore additional research related opportunities with universities in a partnership. 

The US Navy and Arizona State University recognize that energy systems include human interaction and that an important element of effectiveness is optimizing energy systems. ASU’s faculty, student, and research staff will work collaboratively with the U.S. Navy to develop a partnership combining energy related research with the objective of exploring relevant skill building pathways for veterans and military personnel. This program is being delivered on the New American University model of access, excellence, and impact while driving interdisciplinary, use-inspired research and education. To facilitate the development of state-of-the-art technologies and the transition of these technologies to the U.S. Navy, ASU proposes the NEPTUNE research program.

Military personnel/veterans engagement will be implemented in partnership with the ASU Pat Tillman Veterans Center. The Center is led by CAPT Steve Borden (USN retired). Steve will be an integral part of the core team of Investigators who will meet monthly to review veteran recruitment, integration and best practices relevant to the NEPTUNE objectives. ASU has over 5300 veterans enrolled. We find that many veterans choose ASU because of the fact that it is an excellent university and has the courses of study that they want. It is great for them to also see ASU is consistently listed as a top school for being veteran friendly by GI Jobs. This NEPTUNE program will help the center connect veterans to networks leading to careers and also provide veterans with the opportunity bring their practical experience to use inspired research.

NEPTUNE in the news

US Navy awards ASU $1.5M for energy research, military engagement

Six Arizona State University energy-related research projects that will engage veterans or active-duty military are getting support from the Navy in the form of $1.5 million in seed grants over two years.

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NEPTUNE enters Phase II of veteran engagement, energy innovation

Six Arizona State University energy-related research projects that will engage veterans or active-duty military are getting support from the Navy in the form of $1.5 million in seed grants over two years.

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NEPTUNE project summaries

Description of Six Arizona State University energy-related research projects in NEPTUNE.

Read the summaries

UNAM team joins ASU power ‘boot camp’

Microgrids can keep the lights on even after main power sources fail and they were the focus of a week-long “boot camp” held at Arizona State University’s Polytechnic campus this week for military veteran students and an academic trio from Mexico City.

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US Navy Office of Naval Research


August 2015 — August 2017


Portrait of Joseph Sanchez

Joseph Sanchez


Global Futures Laboratory

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