Sustainable Cities Network workgroups
The Sustainable Cities Network workgroups are comprised of local practitioners from various cities, towns, counties, and tribal communities and are organized around common sustainability interests, needs, and goals. A workgroup is formed when a universal topic need is identified and a community “champion” volunteers to lead and guide the workgroup. Each workgroup hosts educational topics and discussions and is encouraged to pursue projects with outcomes benefiting communities at-large.

AZ Heat Resilience Workgroup
The AZ Heat Resilience Workgroup meets to share heat forecasts and warnings with communities; highlight approaches to heat relief, communications strategies and resources; identify opportunities and gaps in heat-related research; and connect cities and counties to regional and state resources and information.

Climate and Resilience Workgroup
The Climate and Resilience Workgroup meets to educate cities and towns on climate action planning, resilience and adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Electric Vehicle Workgroup
The Electric Vehicle Workgroup meets to support Arizona communities about emerging technologies and best practices related to electric vehicles.

Federal Infrastructure Workgroup
As funding becomes available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Federal Infrastructure Workgroup convenes Arizona communities through strategic collaboration to secure federal funding for infrastructure projects related to green infrastructure, electric vehicle charging stations, ecosystem restoration and more. This workgroup meets once a month to present community updates, discuss best practices for collaboration and grant writing and to highlight member accomplishments.

Green Infrastructure Workgroup
This Green Infrastructure Workgroup meets to discuss urban issues associated with tree and shade, structural shade, the urban canopy, stormwater management, and low impact development techniques to standardize best practices in the area of urban forestry and expand knowledge of green infrastructure across the Valley and state of Arizona.

Rural, Indigenous and Small Communities Workgroup
The Rural, Indigenous and Small Communities Workgroup provides rural communities with a network and forum to discuss sustainable challenges, collaborative opportunities, and best practices.

Solar and Energy Efficiency Workgroup
The Solar and Energy Efficiency Workgroup explores methods to expand and enhance the way jurisdictions generate clean and renewable energy.