Green Infrastructure Workgroup

Green Infrastructure Workgroup

The Green Infrastructure Workgroup was created following the Regional Trees & Shade Summit held in March 2011. The Green Infrastructure Workgroup meets to discuss urban issues associated with trees and shade, structural shade, the urban canopy, stormwater management, and low-impact development (LID) techniques. The goal of the workgroup is to standardize best practices in the area of urban forestry and expand knowledge of green infrastructure across the state of Arizona.

Workgroup purpose

The Green Infrastructure Workgroup meets to standardize best practices in the area of urban forestry and expand knowledge of green infrastructure across the Valley and state of Arizona.

Workgroup meetings

The Green Infrastructure Workgroup meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. See the Calendar for upcoming meeting dates and additional details.

All Arizona cities, towns, tribal communities, counties, state agencies, organizations, and nonprofit organizations are invited to attend. To be added to the meeting email list, please fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page.

Green Infrastructure Workgroup chairs

Jesse Westad


WERK Urban Design

Tim Conner

Environmental Policy Manager,

City of Scottsdale

Information and resources

Green Infrastructure Resources by EPA

Greater Phoenix Green Infrastructure & LID Handbook

Pima Association of Governments Rainwater Harvesting Guide