HeatReady Neighborhoods
What is a HeatReady Neighborhood?
A HeatReady™ Neighborhood addresses extreme heat emergencies and works towards long-term mitigation solutions that create more thermal comfort for its residents.
While there is a shared understanding of interventions at the neighborhood and household scale for mitigating extreme heat, a gap remains in determining what strategies communities, especially those living with the consequences of inequities, want to prioritize and the best process for this work. The HeatReady™ Neighborhoods rubric optimizes a community’s assets or “heat resource shed” and is developed by community groups, engaged citizens, neighborhood organizations and community development corporations.
HeatReady™ Neighborhood rubric will guide neighborhoods in personal, household and collective heat emergencies and utilize evidence-based solutions in creating cool zones and pathways in anticipation of a hotter future environment. A HeatReady™ Neighborhood, similar to a HeatReady™ School, can identify, prepare for, mitigate, track and respond to the negative impacts of extreme heat.
Learn more about HeatReady™ Neighborhoods.
The impacts of heat aren’t isolated to individuals or their households. Our work with neighborhoods helps create heat-resilient communities that are prepared for further incidences of high heat. Connect with us to stay up-to-date on our latest accomplishments.