

January 19, 2005


Carson Ballroom, Old Main, Arizona State University


Land-use and land-cover change

Alexander Buyantuyev and Jianguo Wu. Accuracy Assessment of Vegetation Cover Estimated with Remote Sensing Data (pdf)

Tim Collins. People, Forests, and Fire Hazard Vulnerability to Arizona’s White Mountains

Louis Machabee and Ann Kinzig. Variations of Landscape Preferences among Phoenix Residents: A Socio-demographic Analysis (pdf)

Peter McCartney, Ray Quay, Corinna Gries, Robin Schroeder, Jana Hutchins, Michael Zoldak, Joseph Zehnder, Dale Mason, Anubav Bagley, and Bill Griffins. Integrating Urban Ecological Models (pdf)

Matthias Moeller. Monitoring LULC Dynamics in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pdf)

Lela Prashad, Anthony J. Brazel, Jay Golden, Brent Hedquist, Sharon Harlan, and Dale Sherwood. Remote Sensing and Climate from North to South in CAP LTER (pdf)

Climate-ecosystem interactions

Jessica Block, Ted Lehman, Ramon Arrowsmith, and Nancy Grimm. Stream Channel Morphology along the Urban Fringe: Flood Frequency and Flood Hazards in the Hassayampa River Region (pdf)

Susanne Grossman-Clarke, Joseph A. Zehnder, U. Liu, and J. D. Fast. Testing a Planetary Boundary Layer Schema in MMS for the Phoenix Metropolitan Region (pdf)

Kaesha Neil and Jianguo Wu. Urbanization Effects on Spatio-temporal Patterns of Fowering Phenology of Plants in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pdf)

Water policy, use and supply

Marea B. Baggetta. Elegy of the Salt River: Successional Tales of a Southwestern Social-Ecological System (pdf)

Elizabeth Farley Metzger, S. Yabuki, Patricia Gober, David Casagrande, Charles Redman, Nancy Grimm, and Sharon Harlan. Initial Findings of the North Desert Village Landscaping Experiment: The Green, Green Grass of Home (pdf)

Patricia Gober, Charles L. Redman, Bill Edwards, and Nancy S. Jones. Investigating Human Decision Making under Climatic Uncertainty (pdf)

Fluxes of materials and socio-ecosystem response

Michael Bellefeuille, Milton Sommerfeld, and Qiang Hu. Use of the Green Microalga Scenedesmus obliquus for Bioremediation of Nitrate-Contaminated Agricultural Runoff in an Outdoor Photobioreactor (pdf)

Natalie Case, Milton Sommerfeld, and Qiang Hu. Utilizing Microalgae to Remediate Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater (pdf)

Nancy B. Grimm, Jason P. Kaye, Sharon J. Hall, Jonathon O. Allen, and David B. Lewis. A Distinct Urban Biogeochemistry? (pdf)

Sara Grineski. Children’s Vulnerability to Unmanaged Asthma in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pdf)

Scott E. Ingram. Streamflow and Demography in the Lower Salt River Basin of Central Arizona, ca. A.D. 775 to 1450 (pdf)

Elisabeth Larson and Nancy B. Grimm. Nitrogen Dynamics in Urban Man-made Lakes: Denitrification Potential of Sediments (pdf)

Catherine Singer and Chris A. Martin.. Effects of Three Landscape Surface Mulches on Thermal Processes in a Drip-Irrigated Xeric Landscape (pdf)

Human control of biodiversity

Laura Becht. Landscape-Level Influences of Urbanization on Reptile Communities in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pdf)

Robert J. Bills and Jean C. Stutz. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Species Richness is Lower in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area in Comparison to the Surrounding Desert (pdf)

William M. Cook. Long-Term Bird Community Patterns at Phoenix’s Desert Botanical Garden (pdf)

Stanley H. Faeth, Paige S. Warren, Eyal Shochat, and Wendy A. Marussich. Trophic Dynamics in Urban Communities (pdf)

Kris Gade and Ann P. Kinzig. The Role of Nitrogen in Plant Migration along Freeway Corridors in Phoenix, Arizona (pdf)

Matthew Harwood. Does Phosphorus Limit Growth in Insects? (pdf)

Chris Martin, Paige Warren, and Ann Kinzig. Tree Composition in Small Urban Parks and Surrounding Neighborhoods of Phoenix, Arizona (pdf)

Hoski Schaafsma and John Briggs. Legacies of Farming in Central Sweden: An Archaeological Perspective on Modern Plant Communities (pdf)

Catherine K. Singer, Chris A. Martin, and Darin K. Mahkee. The Legacy of Former Drip-Irrigation and Pruning Practices on Two Landscape Shrubs: Effects on Growth Rate and Leaf Morphology After Two Years (pdf)

Jean C. Stutz, Robert J. Bills, Jamaica R. Cousins, Linda B. Stabler, Sean Whitcomb, and Chris A. Martin. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: Diversity and Functioning (pdf)

Jason S. Walker. Birds of a Feather: A Story of Urban and Exurban Avian Population Biology (pdf)

Paige Warren and Erin Adley. Effects of Predators and Landscaping Type on Avian Ground-Foraging Behavior in Phoenix Parks (pdf)

Jacqueline White and Juliet Stromberg. Effects of River Modification on the Riparian Soil Seed Bank of the Salt River, Arizona: A Case Study of an Arid Region River (pdf)

Education and outreach

Monica Elser and Charlene Saltz. Graduate Students and Ecology Explorers: Challenges and Benefits (pdf)

John Jung. Concept Maps: A Multipurpose Tool for Environmental Education (pdf)

Open-Ended Inquiry in the Schoolyard (pdf) Kathryn Kyle.

Shea Lemar, Charlene Saltz, and Monica Elser. Middle School Students Performing University Level Environmental Work (pdf)

Charlene Saltz, Nancy Crocker, Danielle Taddy, Debra Banks, and Monica Elser. Service at Salado, an Urban Environmental Service-Learning Project (pdf)

Information management

Corinna Gries, Nancy B. Grimm, Charles L. Redman, Ravi Peri, and Peter McCartney. The New Intranet and Data Management for CAP2 (pdf)

Nancy Grimm and Charles L. Redman. Reorganizing Research Teams into Integrated Project Areas (IPA) for CAP2 (pdf)