

Friday, January 11, 2013




Biogeochemical patterns, processes and human outcomes

Christman, Max, and Becky Ball. The Role of Ambrosia dumosa Litter Degradation in N-Fertilization Cycles in Urban Versus Rural Environments. (pdf)

Cook, Elizabeth M., Pamela Padgett, and Sharon J. Hall. Effects of Co-occurring Urban Atmospheric Compounds on Desert Herbaceous Plants. (pdf)

Hartnett, Hilairy, Jessica Coe, Zachery Smith, Margaret Bowman, Marissa Raleigh, Andrew Chesley, and Gordana Pavlovic. 3D Fluorescence Analysis of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Tempe Town Lake. (pdf)

Hartnett, Hilairy, and G. Alexander Hamilton. Land-Use Patterns and Photo-Oxidation of Soot Black Carbon. (pdf)

Holland, Emma, Lindsey Pollard, and Nancy B. Grimm. An Analysis of Biomass Growth Rates Over Time in a Desert Riparian System. (pdf)

Huber, David P., Kathleen A. Lohse, and Sharon J. Hall. Climate Controls the Fate of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Additions in Desert Ecosystems. (pdf)

Marusenko, Yevgeniy, Ferran Garcia-Pichel, and Sharon J. Hall. Nitrogen Fertilization Creates New Niches for Ammonia-Oxidizing Microbial Communities in Soil. (pdf)

Palta, Monica M., Peter Groffman, and Stuart Findlay. Use of Nitrogen Budgets and N2 Flux Measurements to Estimate the Role of Denitrification in Brownfield Stormwater Wetlands. (pdf)

Palta, Monica M., and Hilairy E. Hartnett. Assessment of Temporal Patterns in Dissolved Organic Carbon in Tempe Town Lake. (pdf)

Shorts, Danielle, Rebecca L. Hale, Stevan Earl, and Nancy B. Grimm. Hydrological and Geochemical Correlations with Potential Denitification Rates in an Arid Urban Wash. (pdf)

Weller, Nicholas, Daniel L. Childers, and Laura Turnbull. Plant Community Changes and Related Nutrient Retention within an Aridland Constructed Wastewater Treatment Wetland. (pdf)

Wyant, Karl A., Yevgeniy M. Marusenko, Sharon J. Hall, and John L. Sabo. Land-Use Type Changes the Belowground Food-Web in an Arid, Urban Ecosystem. (pdf)

Climate, ecosystems and people

Ackley, Jeffrey, Jianguo Wu, Dale DeNardo, Michael Angilletta, Soe Myint, and Brian Sullivan. Heat Islands, Backyard Landscaping, and the Thermal Ecology of Urban Lizards. (pdf)

Chuang, Wen-Ching, and Patricia Gober. Human Vulnerability to Heat in Phoenix and Chicago: Spatial and Temporal Dimensions. (pdf)

Declet-Barreto, Juan, Sharon Harlan, Diana Pettiti, and Benjamin Ruddell. Heat Vulnerability in Phoenix, Arizona: Health Outcomes, Sensitivity, Exposure, and Coping Capacity at the Neighborhood Scale. (pdf)

Lorenz, Danielle, Matei Georgescu, and Anthony Brazel. Assessing Climate Impacts of Projected Continental U.S. Urban Expansion. (pdf)

McAlister, Alyssa, Amber Wutich, Alexandra Brewis, Jonathan Maupin, Dan Hruschka, Lexi White, and Chris Roberts. Global Convergences and Divergences in Ethnotheories of Climate Change and Disease. (pdf)

Middel, Ariane, Kathrin Hab, Anthony J. Brazel, Chris Martin, and Subhrajit Guhathakurta. Impact of Urban Form and Design on Mid-Afternoon Microclimate in Phoenix Neighborhoods. (pdf)

Song, Jiyun, Jiachuan Yang, and Zhihua Wang. Modeling CAP LTER Flux Tower Measurements Using an Advanced Urban Canopy Model. (pdf)

Education, outreach and research support

Bernier, Andrew, Jon Hutman, Michael Twilling, and Their Students. Ecology Explorers: K-12 Student Contributions to the CAP LTER Project.

Beute, Stacie. Getting to Citizen Science: An Investigation of the Landscape, Typologies, and Design Frameworks of Public Participation in Scientific Research. (pdf)

Bleasdale, Thomas, Katelyn Parady, Juan Declet-Barreto, Darren Ruddell, Sharon L. Harlan, and Anthony Brazel. A Web-Based Interactive Timeline of Social-Environmental Change in Central South Phoenix: 1860-2012. (pdf)

Tarrant, Philip, David Julian, and Ryan Raub. The Virtual Notebook: A “TurboTax®” Approach to Improving Research Metadata. (pdf)

Vins, Holly, Colin Kunzweiler, Christopher M. Roberts, Melissa Beresford, Amber Wutich, and Alexandra Brewis. Gender Differences in Perceptions of Water in Arizona: Insights from the Science of Water Project. (pdf)

Human decisions and biodiversity

Ball, Becky, and Ross A. Virginia. Moss Nutrient Plasticity in Desert Ecosystems: A Hot-Cold Desert Comparison. (pdf)

Camba, Matthew O., Erica Warkus, Dana Nakase, Colleen Strawhacker, Jennifer Learned, and Sharon J. Hall. Landscape Legacies Influence Rock and Succulent Distribution. (pdf)

Gburek, Theresa M., Joanna Jewell, and J. Chad Johnson. Ecology and Color Morphology of Urban Black Widow Populations. (pdf)

Davies, Scott, and Pierre Deviche. Advanced Reproductive Phenology of an Urban Bird is Not Mirrored in the Underlying Reproductive Physiology. (pdf)

Hall, Sharon J., Binoj Shrestha, Scott Yabiku, Jennifer Glick, Abigail York, Dirgha Ghimire, Li An, and Sean Murphy. Human Community Dynamics and Social-Ecological Vulnerability in a Biodiversity Hotspot. (pdf)

Halpin, Rebecca, and J. Chad Johnson. Behavioral Plasticity in the Western Black Widow, Latrodectus hespersus, Across a Continuum of Urbanization. (pdf)

Johnson, J. Chad, Rebecca Halpin, Susannah Sandrin, Chad Bauman, Alan Wirkus Camacho, AJ Diedtrich, Sumaita Mulk, Anuj Pate, Nick Planidin, Eric Slosky, Javier Urcuyo, and Kimberly A. Landsdowne. Cannabalism Versus Social Tolerance in an Urban Pest: What Makes Black Widows Want to Kill Each Other? (pdf)

Lane, Samuel, Pierrie Deviche, and Scott Davies. City Sounds: The Effects of Urbanization on Bird Song. (pdf)

Mousel, Melanie, Mathieu Giraudeau, and Kevin McGraw. Parasites in the City. (pdf

Stromberg, Julie, Heather Bateman, Jennifer Foutz-Sweat, Dustin Wolkis, Brenton Scott, Amanda Suchy, Elizabeth Makings, and Nicole Wilson. Just Add Water: Benefits of Passive Restoration in an Urban Floodplain. (pdf)

Trubl, Patricia, and J. Chad Johnson. Ecological Stoichiometry of the Black Widow Spider: From Solitary Desert Predator to Urban Pest. (pdf)

Weaver, Melinda, Kevin J. McGraw, and Melanie Mousel. Avian Anthrophobia? Stress Response of House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) Across an Urban Gradient in the Presence of Humans. (pdf)

Land use, land cover and ecosystem services

Reyna (Ferrell), Janet, and Mikhail Chester. Life Cycle Assessment of Ecosystem Services for Phoenix’s Building Stock. (pdf)

Fishman, Jacob, and V. Kerry Smith. Sorting, Attitude and Preference Alignment for Local Public Goods. (pdf)

Ibes, Dorothy C. Classification of Urban Park Ecosystem Services in a Desert City. (pdf)

Kane, Kevin, Abigail M. York, Joseph Tuccillo, Lauren Gentile, and Yun Ouyang. A Spatio-Temporal View of Historical Growth in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, 1915-1963. (pdf)

Kaplan, Shai, Christopher Galletti, and Winston Chow. Estimation of High Resolution Land Surface Broadband Albedo for Urban Area from Quickbird. (pdf)

Larson, Kelli L., Elizabeth Cook, Jaleila Brumand, Sharon Hall, and Kimberly Feldbauer. The Social Ecology of Residential Landscape Management: Complex  Effects, Tradeoffs and Legacies in the Sonoran Desert of Phoenix, AZ. (pdf)

Learned, Jennifer, Dana Nakase, Enrique Vivoni, and Sharon J. Hall. Experimentally Validated Mathematical Modeling Reveals the Influence of Surface Rock Cover on Soil Water Availability in a Semi-arid Ecosystem. (pdf)

Li, Xiaoxiao, and Yujia Zhang. Object-Oriented Land-Cover Classification Using Aerial Photography in Semi-arid Area. (pdf)

Tuccillo, Joseph, and Christian Van Gijlswijk. Peopling Phoenix’s Past: Examining Spatial Demography in Early Central Phoenix Using Historical United States Census Records. (pdf)

Warren, Paige, Craig Nicolson, Michael Stohbach, Robert Ryan, Colin Polsky, Chingwen Chen, Rachel Danford, and Victoria Wolff. Quantifying Effects of Urban Growth and Urban Greening – Preliminary Results from a Stakeholder-Driven Scenario Analysis. (pdf)

Water dynamics in a desert city

Gentile, Lauren, Joseph Tuccillo, Katelyn K. Parady, and Bob Bolin. Desertification in the Central City: A Political Ecology of the Environmental Change in Phoenix, AZ. (pdf)

Hale, Rebecca L., Laura Turnbull, Stevan Earl, and Nancy Grimm. Effects of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure on Dissolved Nitrogen Export from Semi-Arid Urban Watersheds. (pdf)

Loza Morales, Daniel E., Daniel L. Childers, Ariah Evans, Aunese Evans, Christopher A. Sanchez, and Nicholas Weller. Macrophyte Decomposition Rates in the Tres Rios Constructed Treatment Wetland: Preliminary Results. (pdf)

Ouyang, Yun, Elizabeth Wentz, Benjamin Ruddell, and Sharon Harlan. A Multi-scale Analysis of Single-Family Residential Water Consumption in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. (pdf)

Quay, Ray, David Sampson, Dave White, Craig Kirkwood, and Pat Gober. Using Advanced Scenario Analysis as an Anticipatory Tool: Exploring the Uncertainty of Urban Water Demand and Supply within Central Arizona. (pdf)

Ramos, Jorge, Eric J. Chapman, Nicholas A. Weller, and Daniel L. Childers. Trace Gas Fluxes from the Tres Rios Wetlands Project in Phoenix, AZ. (pdf)

Rice, Jacelyn, and Paul Westerhoff. Indirect Potable Reuse in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: How Much Wastewater is in Central Arizona-Phoenix Source Waters? (pdf)

Rosales Chavez, Jose, Amber Wutich, Alexandra Brewis, Abigail M. York, and Rhian Stotts. Rules, Norms, and Injustice: A Cross-Cultural Study of Perceptions of Justice in Water Institutions. (pdf)

Sampson, David A., and Ray Quay. Potential Central Arizona Project Water Shortages as Influenced by Climate and Upper Basin Delivery Schedules. (pdf)

Sanchez, Christopher A., Daniel L. Childers, Laura J. Turnbull, and Nicholas A. Weller. The Contribution of Evapotranspiration to the Annual Water Budget of an Aridland Urban Wastewater Treatment Wetland. (pdf)

2013 CAP student poster symposium winners

Winning poster: Elizabeth Cook, Pamela Padgett, and Sharon J. Hall. “Effects of co-occurring urban atmospheric compounds on desert herbaceous plants.”
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Runner-up poster: David Huber, Kathleen A. Lohse, and Sharon J. Hall. “Climate controls the fate of anthropogenic nitrogen additions in desert ecosystems.”
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Runner-up poster: Kevin Kane, Abigail M. York, Joseph Tuccillo, Lauren Gentile, and Yun Ouyang. “A spatio-temporal view of historical growth in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, 1915-1963.”
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