ASU offers a breadth of expertise, including 15 established centers and multiple programs dedicated to advancing water-focused research.
The ASU Water Institute works toward fostering collaboration between disciplines and facilitating opportunities for intellectual discussion and enrichment, advancing our understanding of ideas and strategy-building for real impact.
Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation
Supports a more sustainable future for society by harnessing algae technology to produce renewable energy, food and other products.
Arizona Water Innovation Initiative
Provides community participants with knowledge, resources and innovations to accelerate sustainability leadership national sustainability leadership across Arizona.
Center for Environmental Economics and Sustainability Policy
Develops research in environmental and resource economics that is relevant to policy needs, with special attention given to issues of sustainability in the context of environmental, energy, climate and resource management.
Center for Environmental Health Engineering
Safeguards human health and critical ecosystems by detecting, minimizing and ultimately eliminating harmful chemical and biological agents through the design and implementation of cost-effective engineering, industry engagement and public policy.
Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science
Leads spatially-explicit scientific and technological research focused on mitigating and adapting to global environmental change.
Center for Global Health
Advances our ability to understand and address global health challenges as a critical, complex part of the broader human condition
Center for Hydrologic Innovations
Develops leading-edge technologies to address water resources challenges by producing and disseminating advances, building and nurturing partnerships, and training the next generation workforce.
Central Arizona-Phoenix for Long-Term Ecological Research
Advances research and education on urban ecology and urban socio-ecological systems, as one of two LTER sites funded by the National Science Foundation that specifically studies urban ecology.
Decision Theater
Organizes researchers, policymakers and the business community to better understand and explore solutions to complex issues facing society by streamlining big data and transforming it into novel, interactive data visualizations.
Global Center for Water Technology
Addresses the water quantity and quality concerns of current and future Arizonan water users by rapidly developing, commercializing, and deploying advanced technologies for water augmentation, conservation, treatment, and reuse
Global Drylands Center
Engages key actors of dryland stewardship to develop use-inspired research, training and solutions for arid lands around the worldE
Kyl Center for Water Policy
Promotes research, analysis, collaboration and dialogue to build consensus on sound water stewardship for Arizona and the West
Sustainable Cities Network
Bridges ASU’s research and technical capabilities in sustainability with the front-line challenges facing cities, towns, and Tribal communities across Arizona and serves as a clearinghouse for best practices that cities can apply to their unique circumstances, problems, and goals for environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance
Addresses the complex problem of phosphorus sustainability, as North America’s central forum and advocate for the sustainable use, recovery, and recycling of phosphorus in the food system.
Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology
Manages microbial communities that provide services to society, many of which make society more environmentally sustainable, for example, generating renewable energy and making polluted water and soil clean
Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems
Facilitate research, education, public engagement, community-strengthening and policy reform to support sustainable food systems
The Biomimicry Center
Fosters regenerative design by enhancing the skillset of students and research lab outputs through biomimicry.
University City Exchange
Convenes and engages regional community, municipal, nonprofit, academic, philanthropic, and private sector partners to address resilience challenges like heat, water, energy, and equity through collective knowledge sharing, education, and problem solving.
Urban Climate Research Center
Employs a collaborative social and physical science framework to address critical issues in the urban atmospheric environment.
Water and Environmental Technology Center
Promotes scientific research that will ensure the quality of water by pooling the resources of the university and industry.