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Here we’ll try to answer all your questions about food waste
Q. What is edible food waste?
A. Food waste can be divided into edible and inedible food waste. Edible food waste is anything you originally intended to eat, but threw away. For example, a banana that got too overripe to eat and was tossed in the trash is considered food waste. The banana peel, however, would typically not be considered edible food waste.
Q. What is inedible food waste?
A. Parts of food that you never intended to eat are considered “inedible” food waste, though this can vary from person to person. For example, most people always throw away banana peels, making them inedible food waste. However, some people eat banana peels, so if they intended to eat the peel but didn’t, that would be edible food waste. Generally, inedible food waste includes bones, rinds, peels, and cores.
Q. What are some examples of edible food waste?
A. Edible food waste comes in many forms, and unfortunately a lot of it comes from healthy produce that goes bad before anyone eats it. Things like wilted lettuce or rotten apples getting thrown out are examples of edible food waste. It’s not limited to produce though – baked goods like bread that went moldy are another large source of edible food waste.
Q. What is the difference between solid and liquid food waste?
A. If it isn’t clear if a food counts as solid or liquid, use this general rule: If you can pour it down a kitchen sink drain without the need for a garbage disposal to get it down, then it counts as liquid. For example, pudding would count as liquid, but apple cores would count as solid.