Cool Pavement Pilot Program
In 2020 the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department partnered with researchers at ASU to explore the performance of cool paving (lighter colored seal coats applied to existing residential streets). The ASU team conducted extensive measurements and analysis of the pavement performance from multiple perspectives. The final report can be found at the link below.

Laboratory for Urban Climate Instrumentation
Faculty affiliates with the Urban Climate Research Center (and their students) have access to LUCI — a facility filled with useful urban-climate instrumentation and sensors.

Green Roof Energy Calculator
The Green Roof Energy Calculator is an online tool developed by Professor Sailor and colleagues. This tool allows users to explore the effects of replacing a light or dark membrane roof with a vegetated green roof.

Anthropogenic Heating Database
The Anthropogenic Heating Database contains hourly profiles for anthropogenic waste heat emissions for each month of the year for 61 U.S. cities at both the metropolitan scale and the city scale. These profiles are based on a top-down approach and include contributions from vehicles, buildings and human metabolism. For further details, please refer to the link below.