
The Principled Innovation Infrastructure for Discovery and Engagement initiative is an ambitious, university-wide effort supporting the anticipatory, engagement and integration activities necessary to drive large-scale research, discovery, engagement and impact.

PrIIDE is poised to best deliver the benefits of knowledge-based innovation for individual and societal flourishing. Through combining anticipation, public engagement and interdisciplinary integration – known as “anticipatory governance” – PrIIDE is a systematic approach to answering the driving question behind Principled Innovation – “Just because we can, should we?”

Anticipatory governance – first developed at ASU by the National Science Foundation-funded Center for Nanotechnology in Society – and other related concepts are emerging as best practices in research funding and performing organizations. They have been incorporated into national and supra-national policy regimes and governance recommendations.

Researcher wearing a virtual reality headset and gloves

Topic areas

PrIIDE will build and leverage ASU’s institutional infrastructure and capacity to enable futures thinking, engagement and integrative services that center Principled Innovation in large-scale research, projects and initiatives. Our work spans three main topic areas:

Futures and anticipation involve exploring possible, probable and preferred futures to make informed decisions in the present. These domains prioritize foresight, creativity and ethical consideration to navigate uncertainty and mitigate unexpected consequences. Within PrIIDE, futures and anticipation serve as vital tools for developing ethical programs of research and responsible innovation.

Public engagement involves consultation with members of the public to inform decision-making. Such “publics” might include people who work in specific industries, people who live in specific places or people from specific social groups. PrIIDE is steadily mapping existing nodes of public engagement across ASU to facilitate information sharing and community building in service of research and innovation that improve the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities we serve.

Interdisciplinary research integrates theory, knowledge, methods, instruments and expertise to investigate and address complex questions. This domain prioritizes the successful integration of interdisciplinary research at ASU. Within PrIIDE, Interdisciplinary Integration is committed to building the scaffolding that will advance research and discovery at ASU while connecting researchers across disciplines. 

Performer in a futuristic costume lit with neon lighting

PrIIDE connects “assessment” practices with Principled Innovation. In particular, these links arise in three areas:

1. Where moral and performance practices map onto anticipation, by

  • Assessing possibilities, navigating dilemmas and making the best possible choice to serve the needs of the community.
  • Navigating uncertainty and mitigating consequences.

2. Where civic and moral practices map onto engagement, by

  • Engaging multiple and diverse perspectives.
  • Identifying and acknowledging fundamental values.
  • Ensuring that the process, structures and solutions honor, appreciate and reflect them.

3. Where intellectual and performance practices map onto interdisciplinary integration, by

  • Developing habits of an informed system thinker.
  • Designing creative solutions.
Exterior shot of the Walton Center for Planetary Health

Connect with PrIIDE

Are you interested in getting involved with the Principled Innovation Infrastructure for Discovery and Engagement initiative at ASU? Get in touch with us to learn more about our work, meet our staff and discover opportunities to collaborate.