sillhouette of people standing in a snowy mountain region with stars behind them

Learning to thrive

Acknowledging there will be major environmental and societal crises in the years ahead, Arizona State University is now home to a new kind of laboratory dedicated to the discovery and innovation of the planet’s sustainability, led by globally respected experts.

Peter Schlosser

Vice President and Vice Provost of Global Futures

Peter Schlosser is one of the world’s leading earth scientists, with expertise in earth’s hydrosphere and how humans affect the planet’s natural state. Prior to ASU, Peter was at Columbia University where he was chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering and the deputy director and director of research at the Earth Institute.



Portrait of Miki Kittilson

Miki Kittilson

Dean of the College of Global Futures

College of Global Futures

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College of Global Futures Leadership

Global Futures Scientists and Scholars Network

Global Futures Scientists and Scholars Network comprises people who have conducted important sustainability research or have garnered significant honors for their work in sustainability.

Find an expert

Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions