The ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit 2016  was a two-day event, hosted by Arizona State University in partnership with SciStarter, designed to explore the crossroads of citizen science and the maker movement. The summit was scheduled for October 26 (evening), 27 and 28, 2016 in downtown Chandler, Arizona at the ASU Chandler Innovation Center.

Summit highlights

ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit Report: Learning Outcomes and Next Steps


November 3, 2016, Citizen Science Makers Summit at Arizona State University, Discover blog by Catherine Hoffman

November 4, 2016, Interview with Dr. Micah Lande about the summit, PBS Channel 8 (Arizona)

November 21, 2016, Exploring the Intersections of Making and Citizen Science, Maker Ed by Trey Lathe

December 4, 2016, Making Citizen Science Tools Accessible and Discoverable, Discover blog by Guest

Videos from the Citizen Science Maker Summit (listed in alphabetical order by last name)

Katherine Ball, Advancing Technology for Citizen Science

Jane Crayton, Rio Verde Virtual Archaelogy Experience

Heather Fischer, Tourists as Citizen Scientists

Heather Fleming, Catapult Design founder, Make Impact

Mike Kautz, How Adventure Scientists can be Citizen Scientists

David Lang, Open ROV founder 

Trey Lathe, MakerED founder, How Far Have We Come? What Challenges Lie Ahead?

Sophia B. Liu, USGS, Opportunities and Challenges with Citizen Science

Alison Parker, EPA,  Science Beyond the Public: the Potential of Citizen Science

Nancy Stoner, Pisces Foundation, Empowering Citizen Science with Emerging Techologies

“Data Quality” Panel discussion

“Maker to Manufacturer” Panel discussion

Best practices

Explore best practices between makers and citizen scientists and learn how these two communities can benefit from each other.


Participate in multiple networking activities that allow you to connect with other conference attendees.


Engage in hands-on workshops conducted by TechShop staff and experience first hand what select machines can do. You will be able to take home what you make!

October 26, 2016
6 – 7 p.m.Keynote address: David Lang, Founder of Open ROV
Keynote address: Alison Parker, EPA
Keynote address: Nancy Stoner, Pisces Foundation
October 27, 2016
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.Breakout Sessions:
Data Quality in Federal Agencies
Maker to Manufacturing
Making Tools Discoverable
October 28, 2016
8 a.m. – 1 p.m.Lightening talks
Bird of a Feather un-conference session
Public Sharing and Ice Cream (optional)
Keynote address: Heather Fleming, founder of Catapult
Design and discuss
Lunch and TechShop time

Expected outcomes include:

  • Develop a framework of open database, common citizen science tools to power SciStarter’s emerging Build (DIY), Borrow (Lending Libraries), Buy features
  • Real-world case studies including efforts to identify, build, or improve tools to 1) monitor soil moisture levels to ground-truth NASA satellite data and 2) measure water quality in our nation’s rivers, streams, lakes and oceans; and 3) record and share heat island indicators in AZ through ASU’s Long-Term Ecological Research program.
  • White paper on reaching, supporting underrepresented communities and educators around citizen science + making
  • Exploratory plans for future citizen science and making collaborations


David Bakker

Pocket Lab

Dave Bakker is the co-founder of Myriad Sensors, who makes the PocketLab educational sensor for hands-on science learning. Dave is also an instructor and mentor at Stanford University in the graduate school of engineering and teaches technology venture formation. As a multiple time CEO and executive of silicon valley start up companies, Dave is very familiar with developing and bringing technology products to market, and building successful business ventures.

Ira Bennett

Arizona State University

Ira Bennett studies policies and politics of emerging technologies, specifically nanotechnologies. His focus is on educational programs in nanotechnology in society, and skill sets not traditionally included in science and engineering graduate education, such as societal aspects and communicating with the public.

Anne Bowser

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Anne works in the Science and Technology Innovation Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, a think tank in Washington, DC. At the Wilson Center Anne co-directs the Commons Lab, which takes as its mission mobilizing public participation and innovation in science, technology, and policy. As two related forms of open innovation, citizen science and making both involve the public in (sometimes) close and (traditionally) expert-based systems.

Darlene Cavalier

Arizona State University and SciStarter

Darlene Cavalier is a professor of practice at ASU’s Center for Engagement and Training, part of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society. Cavalier is the founder of SciStarter, of Science Cheerleader, and cofounder of ECAST: Expert and Citizen Assessment of Science and Technology. She is a founding Board Member of the Citizen Science Association, a senior advisor at Discover Magazine and a member of the EPA’s National Advisory Council for Rnvironmental Policy and Technology. She wrote The Science of Cheerleading and co-edited The Rightful Place of Science: Citizen Science.

Narendra Das

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

In 2008, Narendra joined JPL, and he has been conducting research in hydrology and microwave remote sensing research on land. He is currently a member of the Surface Hydrology Group in the Earth Science Section at JPL, a member of the Science Algorithm Development Team for the Soil Moisture Active and Passive mission and the Deputy Application Program Lead from the SMAP mission at JPL. He participates in many soil moisture application work and in integrated hydrologic and crop modeling studies. He has a keen interest in Citizen Science, and is currently involved in the SMAP GLOBE activities.

Heather Fleming

Catapult Design

Heather Fleming is the cofounder of Catapult Design, a product and service design firm working in the global development sector. Catapult partners with organizations to develop sustainable and people-centered solutions that address technology and social issues such as: rural electrification, water purification and transport, food security, and improved health. Heather was named a Pop!Tech Social Innovation Fellow and World Economic Forum Young Global Leader for her work with EWB and Catapult Design.

Dave Guston

Arizona State University

David H. Guston is professor ofpolitical science and co-director of the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes at ASU. He is Principal Investigator and Director of the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. CNS-ASU is a National Science Foundation-funded Nano-scale Science and Engineering Center (NSF # 0531194; $6.2M over 5 years) dedicated to studying the societal implications of nanoscale science and engineering research and improving the societal outcomes of nanotechnologies through enhancing capacity to understand and make informed choices.

Joan Harvath and Rich Cameron

Nonscriptum LLC

Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron are the cofounders of Nonscriptum LLC based in Pasadena, California. Nonscriptum consults for educational and scientific users in the areas of 3D printing and maker technologies. Joan and Rich are particularly interested in finding ways to use maker tech to make scientific research cheaper and more accessible to the public.

MIcah Lande

South Dakota Mines (formerly Arizona State University)

Micah Lande, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering programs at the Polytechnic School in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches human-centered engineering design, design thinking, and design innovation project courses. Dr. Lande researches how technical and non-technical people learn and apply a design process to their work. He is interested in the intersection of designerly epistemic identities and vocational pathways.

David Lang

Open ROV

David Lang is a maker whose craving for adventure turned him into an amateur ocean explorer. A few years ago, Lang and NASA engineer Eric Stackpole went looking for lost gold (literally) in an underwater cave in the foothills of the Sierra Navada. But they weren’t quite sure how to go about it. Without much expertise (or money), the two put initial designs for an underwater robot explorer online. Soon OpenROV was born: a community of citizen ocean explorers who build and constantly improve upon these small remote operated underwater robots.

Trey Lathe

Maker Ed

Trey joined Maker Ed as its Executive Director in October 2014. He has an incredible breadth of experience that allows him to continue to expand the impact of Maker Ed’s work. Trey received his Ph.D. in molecular biology in 1997, and after four years of genomics research at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg Germany, he started the company OpenHelix with two others and sold it in 2014. In 2012, Trey became an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow at that National Science Foundation.

Sophia B. Liu

U.S. Geological Survey

Sophia B Liu is the first Innovation Specialist at the U.S. Geological Survey in the Science and Decisions Center. She is also the Co-Chair of the Federal Community of Practice for Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science (CCS), as well as the CCS Agency Coordinator for the USGS and the Department of Interior. She currently works on participatory science and innovation projects with the Mineral Resources Program; the Energy and Minerals, and Environmental Health Mission Areas; and the Office of Enterprise Information at the USGS. Between 2011 and 2015, she was a USGS Mendenhall Postdoc Fellow.

Alison Parker

Environmental Protection Agency

Alison Parker, PhD is an ORISE fellow hosted by the Innovation Team in the Office of Research and Development at the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC. At EPA, Alison is working to promote citizen science, support EPA scientists using citizen science approaches, and explore policy opportunities for integrating citizen science data and information into EPA work. Alison leads the EPA Citizen Science Community of Practice and is active in the Federal Community of Practice for Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science and the Citizen Science Association.

Lea Shanley

South Big Data Innovation Hub

Lea is a founding co-Executive Director of the South Big Data Innovation Hub at the Renaissance Computing Institute at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Before joining the Hub, she served as a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow at NASA Headquarters, where she designed and guided open innovation and open source research strategies for planetary and Earth science. From 2012 to 2015, Shanley founded and led the Federal Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Community of Practice, growing the community to more than 300 members from 40 agencies.

Nancy Stoner

Pisces Foundation

Nancy is the Director of the Water Program and a senior fellow at the Pisces Foundation. Nancy is based in Washington, D.C. and regularly spends time at the Foundation’s office in San Francisco.

Andrew Torelli

iPhone Spectrometer

Andrew Torelli is a lifelong science enthusiast and DIYer. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Bowling Green State University in the Department of Chemistry and the Center for Photochemical Sciences where he actively combines his efforts in teaching and research. He is Principal Investigator on a collaborative National Science Foundation grant developing instructional strategies based on the use of infrared imaging to help students “see with their own eyes” foundational concepts and phenomena in general and physical chemistry courses.

Jeffrey Warren

Public Lab

As the Research Director for the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science, Jeffrey Warren designs mapping and civic science tools, and is the lead developer for Public Lab’s software systems, including,, as well as the DIY spectrometry toolkit Spectral Workbench.

Andrea Wiggins

University of Maryland

Dr. Wiggins is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies. She studies the science of citizen science, a type of research collaboration that involves non-professionals as core contributors, and works with project organizers on studies exploring the design, management, and technology configurations that generate optimal outcomes for technology­-enabled collaborations between diverse stakeholders.

Ariela Zycherman

National Science Foundation

Ariela is an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation in the Directorate for Engineering in the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport systems (CBET). She has a PhD in Applied Anthropology from Columbia University and her research has looked at the intersections between food, environment, politics, and economy. At NSF she is engaged in a variety of interdisciplinary projects primarily centered on food, energy and water resources.

Arizona State University is a thought leader in both the citizen science and maker movements. Through the SciStarter website (a research initiative of ASU), we host a collection of more than 1,600 citizen science projects and events. ASU also led the first university collaboration with the TechShop maker space. In 2014, ASU hosted the inaugural Maker Summit, focusing on the Maker movement in higher education. It attracted 200 attendees from around the country. By bringing together our larger national network, the ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit seeks to promote cross-pollination, learning and future collaborations among makers, designers, scientists, citizen scientists, and higher education institutions in support of making and citizen science.

The ASU Citizen Science Maker Summit 2016 will facilitate the sharing of best practices and help jump-start opportunities for the citizen science and making communities to learn from each other.  The event will include a combination of breakout sessions, skill-building workshops and networking events, as well as multiple keynote speakers and optional tours/activities.

What is a maker?

What is citizen science?

Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Contact Cindy Dick at [email protected] or call 480-965-8602.