About this series
In partnership with ASU-LightWorks® and LightSpeed Solutions at Arizona State University, SSF hosted a four webinar series about the future of Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels. Although it is difficult to predict what transportation energy will look like in 2050, investments made now will frame that future.
The goal of this four-part webinar series is to open up the conversation and draw attention to what near term actions in the next five to 20 years regarding future transportation might accelerate the transition toward sustainability, increase the economic efficiency of that transition, and minimize barriers that impede the transition or that make the transition more costly.
Click on the video or download the slides from each of the archived webinars to learn more.
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Webinars in this Series
Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels Webinar 1: Sustainable Transportation Fuels — Anchoring Themes
May 29, 2015
Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels Webinar 2: Coupling the Electric Power & Transportation Sectors
June 30, 2015
Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels Webinar 3: Recycling CO2 to Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels
July 28, 2015
Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels Webinar 4: Challenges and Opportunities in Designing Good Metrics
July 28, 2015

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