Doubling Down on Data Giving Us the Edge in Agriculture

June 9, 2021


Mark Manfredo, ASU’s Morrison School of Agribusiness at the W. P. Carey School of Business


Sally Rockey, Executive Director, Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR)

Debbie Reed, Executive Director, Ecological Services Market Consortium

W. Banks Baker, Manager, Animal Welfare and Agriculture: Supply Chain Sustainability, McDonald’s

Dorn Cox, Co-founder, FarmOS


Farming, technology, and research experts will examine the role of data and data interoperability to improve farm profitability and reduce the impact of agriculture on global warming and the planet’s health. While agriculture contributes negatively to GHG emission, it also presents the potential to sequester carbon, manage water and other process inputs and help remove carbon from the atmosphere. The farm community closely holds information about farming practices for privacy, competitiveness, and operations management. However, third parties have developed effective mechanisms and collaboration platforms for data sharing in the ag industry. In today’s webinar, panelists will examine integrating these platforms and ground-truthing the analyses and models, getting agreement among farmers on the privacy and use of the data, and offering more comprehensive farmer services and climate benefits.