Clean Energy Attracts Business – CO, CA, and AZ Policy Leaders Address Eenergy and Business in a Changing Climate

August 17, 2021


Gary Dirks, Senior Director Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and LightWorks®


Governor Bill Ritter, elected Colorado’s 41st governor in 2006 and was the District Attorney of Denver from 1993-2005

Dan Adler, Senior Advisor for Climate Finance at IBank and CA Office of Business and Economic Development

Greg LeRoy, Executive Director Good Jobs First

Kristin Mayes, Professor of Practice School for Future of Innovation in Society, ASU College of Global Futures


The shift to renewable sources of power has been accelerating for several years and could be further boosted with supportive state policies that respond to stakeholder demands for clean energy solutions. This third webinar in the series convenes energy policy officials from several states to discuss how they use state clean energy goals and requirements that support a pro-clean air, pro-growth economy to create a competitive state advantage that attracts new business and business investment in their states. Renewable energy is not a stand-alone issue: it impacts jobs and job quality in different ways in different communities and industry sectors, requiring place-based economic solutions. The panel will discuss their organization’s journey to clean energy policies, and how various sectors are engaged, as a path forward that can guide other states. Jobs opportunities created by the transition to a clean energy policy will be discussed as well.

This webinar convenes economic development, utility managers and municipal leaders who highly prize their sustainability commitments to discuss how supportive renewable policy in Arizona can be a driver of local economic vitality. Companies responding to the need to decarbonize factor into their choice of energy suppliers and decisions in the management of their operations and location of their facilities.