Channeling Philanthropic Capital to Climate Investments Webinar Series

October 31, 2018


Elizabeth Cantwell, the Chief Executive Officer of Arizona State University Research Enterprise (ASURE)


Heather Martin, is a Board Member of Edwards Mother Earth Foundation

Nick Flores, is a client advisor of the Caprock Group

Matthew Nordan, is the Managing Director of the PRIME Impact Fund

Catha Groot, is the Director of the Radicle Impact


While the IPCC has made clear that “it’s 2030 or bust” if we are to avert the worst impacts of climate change, less than 2% of philanthropic capital is directed towards climate solutions. In this webinar, we will discuss how philanthropy can help speed the transition to a clean energy future.

  • How can we increase philanthropic capital towards climate solutions?
  • How are foundations researching and investing charitable capital in early stage companies?

Download the PDF from the Channeling Philanthropic Capital to Climate Investments Webinar