Can Clean Energy be a Business Magnet for the State of Arizona?

Mon, Apr 26, 2021


Kris Mayes, Founding Faculty Director of the Program on Law and Sustainability at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law


Sheila Remes, Vice President of Environmental Sustainability at The Boeing Company

Ashley Ellixson, Executive VP of Legal and Risk Management at United Dairymen of Arizona, a milk marketing cooperative

Pratik Raval, Global Manager, Sustainability for American Express


Companies are increasingly seeking to source electricity from renewable sources as part of their commitment to move toward zero carbon emissions. In Arizona, natural gas, nuclear, and coal currently provide 89% of net energy generation, but the state has an abundance of wind and solar resources that could meet this growing demand with supportive state renewable energy policies.

  • How does grid-level renewable energy factor into companies’ choice of energy suppliers and decisions to locate their operations?
  • What can state energy policymakers do to attract companies seeking to decarbonize?
  • How can technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence help companies document clean energy supply in their operations and value chain calculations?