
The Center for Bio-Inspired Solar Fuel Production (BISfuel) develops artificial components that mimic and improve upon those used in natural photosynthesis, such as more broadly absorbing antennas, more robust reaction centers and catalysts for oxidizing water and producing hydrogen, and builds systems that combine these components to produce solar fuels.

Solar thermochemistry harnesses the sun’s magnificent thermodynamic value in the form of heat to drive mechanical engines that produce electricity or chemical reactors that convert water and carbon dioxide back into a chemically reduced and usable form. Current research efforts at ASU focus on thermodynamics of the functional materials and systems analyses of solar hybrids and redox active metal oxide thermochemical cycles to store solar energy, to split water to make H2 and to split CO2 to make liquid hydrocarbon fuels.

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U.S. Department of Energy


Portrait of Ellen Stechel

Ellen Stechel

Deputy Director and Professor of Practice


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Portrait of Bruce Rittmann

Bruce Rittmann

Regents’ Professor

Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology

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Portrait of William Brandt

William Brandt

Director Strategic Integration


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