
Global Futures Office of Research Development and Strategy

Serving all units, scientists and scholars across the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory®

The mission of the Global Futures Office of Research Development and Strategy – GFORDS – is to provide high-quality and comprehensive support of research activities across the “discovery space” of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory®. Such support will help achieve individual-, group-, and center-level aspirations for the full breadth of discovery-related activities in pursuit of the overarching Global Futures Laboratory mission.

Research development and strategy

Primary Contact: Ann Marie Hess

Research analytics

Primary Contact: Ann Marie Hess

Research business operations

Primary Contact: Nikol Grant

Research communications

Primary Contact: Jason Franz

Additional Resources:
ASU Brand Guide
KE Templates

Research events

Primary Contact: Elva Guemes

Frequently asked questions

What is GFORDS?
The Global Futures Office of Research Development and Strategy (GFORDS) is a virtual organization of the set of services required by members of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory® to plan, apply for and perform externally sponsored research. GFORDS organizes and administers these services through a single web portal.

Who can use GFORDS?
All members of the Global Futures Laboratory who are performing (or want to perform) externally sponsored research. Members include the following: faculty, post-docs, staff and students within the College of Global Futures; the centers, projects and initiatives in the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation; participants in the Global Futures Focal Areas groups; Global Futures Scientists and Scholars. Participants in centers, projects and programs within the Global Futures Laboratory that are not within the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation, such as the Rob and Melani Walton Sustainable Solutions Service, the ASU-Starbucks Center for the Future, etc., are also welcome to use GFORDS.

Can GFORDS really serve all those groups?
Not yet, but that is the ultimate goal. Capacity is currently limited, but we are working hard to create more efficient processes and build more capacity.

What services does GFORDS provide?
GFORDS is organized into six “departments”:

  • Research Development (e.g., pre-award program information, proposal development)
  • Research Advancement (e.g., pre-award proposal mechanics, budget)
  • Research Proposal Support (e.g., pre-award proposal mechanics, funding opportunities, budget and Accelerator Program)
  • Research Analytics (e.g., statistics about research activities)
  • Research Events (e.g., post-award workshops, lectures, seminars)
  • Research Communication (e.g., internal and external publicity, graphics, public affairs)
  • Research Business Operations and Human Resources (e.g., post-award mechanics, expenditures/budget, hiring, visas).

Primary Contacts and links to each department’s intake forms can be found below.

Can I get other services?
ASU Knowledge Enterprise more broadly provides some additional services (like grant writing, red teaming, proposal management, etc.) for proposals of sufficient size (about $1M/year). If you are planning on pursuing such an opportunity, you should submit an Research Proposal Support intake form as soon as you know.

How do I get in touch with GFORDS?
Each GFORDS “department” has its own intake form to request services. The forms are designed to request the minimum information to start the conversation with the staff providing the services.