Journal article

Dudley, B. D., R. F. Hughes, G. P. Asner, J. A. Baldwin, Y. Mivazawa, H. Dulai, C. Waters, J. Bishop, N. R. Vaughn, J. Yeh, S. Kettwich, R. A. MacKenzie, R. Ostertag, and T. Giambelluca. 2020. Hydrological effects of tree invasion on a dry coastal Hawaiian ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 458:117653.

Drury, C., R. E. Martin, D. E. Knapp, J. Heckler, J. Levy, R. D. Gates, and G. P. Asner. 2022. Ecosystem-scale mapping of coral species and thermal tolerance. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20(5):284-291.

Draper, F. C., F. R. C. Costa, G. Arellano, O. L. Phillips, et al. 2021. Amazon tree dominance across forest strata. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5:757-767.

Draper, F. C., G. P. Asner, E. N. Honorio Coronado, T. R. Baker, et al. 2019. Dominant tree species drive beta diversity patterns in western Amazonia. Ecology 100(4):e02636.

Donovan, M. K., C. Alves, J. Burns, C. Drury, O. W. Meier, R. Ritson-Williams, R. Cunning, R. P. Dunn, G. Goodbody-Gringley, L. M. Henderson, I. S. S. Knapp, J. Levy, C. A. Logan, L. Mudge, C. Sullivan, R. D. Gates, and G. P. Asner. 2022. From polyps to pixels: Understanding coral reef resilience to local and global change across scales. Landscape Ecology 18:737-752.

Donovan, M. K., D. E. Burkepile, C. Kratochwill, T. Shilesinger, S. Sully, T. A. Oliver, G. Hodgson, K. Frewald, amd R. Van Woesik. 2021. Local conditions magnify coral loss after marine heatwaves. Science 372(6545):977-980.

Dinerstein, E., A. R. Joshi, E. Vynne, A. T. L. Lee, F. Pharand-Deschenes, M. Franca, S. Fernando, T. Birch, K. Burkart, G. P. Asner, and D. Olson. 2020. A “Global Safety Net” to reverse biodiversity loss and stabilize Earth’s climate. Science Advances 6(36):eabb2824.

Dinerstein, E., C. Vynne, E. Sala, A. R. Joshi, S. Fernando, T. E. Lovejoy, J. Mayorga,D. Olson, G. P. Asner, J. E. M. Baillie, N. D. Burgess, K. Burkart, R. F. Noss, Y. P. Zhang, A. Baccini, T. Birch, N. Hahn, L. N. Joppa, and E. Wikramanayake. 2019. A global deal for nature: Guiding principles, milestones, and targets. Science Advances 5(4):eaaw2869.

Davies, A. B., P. G. Brodrick, C. L. Parr, and G. P. Asner. 2020. Resistance of mound-building termites to anthropogenic land-use change. Environmental Research Letters 15:094038.

Davies, A. B., C. J. Tambling, D. G. Marneweck, N. Ranc, D. J. Druce, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, E. le Roux, and G. P. Asner. 2021. Spatial heterogeneity facilitates carnivore coexistence. Ecology 102(5):e03319.