100 Cities Project: Sensing for Solutions – Bridging Cities and Science

This project uses remote-sensing technology to detect patterns of urbanization and their environmental consequences in 100 cities across the globe.

Past Projects

Amazon Indigenous peoples

This project is part of an initiative titled “Language for Sustainability: Sustaining biodiversity and biocultures,” sponsored by the Global Consortium for Sustainability Outcomes.

Past Projects

Collaborative governance

Arizona State University researchers working on this Center for Biodiversity Outcomes sponsored project collaborate with Future Earth’s Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society to collect and analyze data from local stakeholders on the collaborative governance process for stewardship and use of ecosystems.

Past Projects

Corporate decision-making tool for water use

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and Earth Genome have developed a decision-support tool called the Green Infrastructure Support Tool. GIST has been designed to assist corporate decision-making about sustainable water use.

Past Projects

Electric Power Research Institute

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is developing a decision-making tool to enable the Electric Power Research Institute to estimate the range of potential operational, reputational, legal and regulatory risks associated with compliance with the U. S. Endangered Species Act.

Past Projects

Health implications of consuming fish from Phoenix area stock ponds

Arizona State University faculty and student researchers and citizen scientists took part in a study investigating the health implications of eating fish from stock ponds around the Phoenix metropolitan area. According to the research, fish from these sources contained contaminants such as pesticides, arsenic, aluminum, mercury and other chemicals exceeding levels recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Past Projects

IPBES global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes partnered with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, or IPBES, an independent intergovernmental body established in 2012 by the United Nations’ over 130 member States. Its goal is to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services, for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development.

Past Projects

Monitoring indicators

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes has participated in a number of workshops aimed at improving the development and use of monitoring indicators for businesses interested in biodiversity.

Past Projects

Natural capital protocol for biodiversity

Business impacts and depends on biodiversity, either directly through its operations or indirectly through supply chains. Measuring and valuing these impacts and dependencies can help to understand and uncover some potentially unseen business risks and opportunities. The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is leading a project to develop a biodiversity supplement for the Natural Capital Protocol.

Past Projects

Natural capital protocol for the ocean

The Natural Capital Protocol for the Oceans will be a framework to help businesses answer questions such as: How does your business depend upon ocean resources? How is this ocean natural capital changing and what risks and opportunities does this present? Which resources, information or expertise do you need?

Past Projects