Assessing the cost of conservation intervention

The Conservation Intervention Cost Data Portal is a tool hosted by the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes, which provides resources to help scientists and practitioners identify and report on conservation intervention cost data and enable cost-effective conservation practice.


Big data and biodiversity

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is partnering with the ASU Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center to integrate big data in biodiversity decision-making.

Current Projects Tools

Decision science for endangered species pesticide risk assessment

Decision science for endangered species pesticide risk assessment.

Current Projects Tools

Endangered species recovery

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes has partnered with the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a tool to compare different funding allocation strategies for actions to recover endangered species. This tool is called the Endangered Species Recovery Explorer. This work was motivated, in part, by recognition from USFWS of past critiques of its recovery allocation process.

Current Projects Tools

Fisheries supply management

This project seeks to organize a community of practice, comprised of human rights and fisheries experts and practitioners, to catalyze the systematic integration of social responsibility into seafood supply chains.

Current Projects Tools

Mainstreaming biodiversity in the business sector

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is working with several partners to bring together biodiversity data from multiple sources and create new methods to integrate the data into corporate decision-making.

Current Projects Tools

Marine biodiversity and petrochemical vulnerability in the Gulf of Mexico

GoMex Explorer is a spatial decision-support tool for marine biodiversity and petrochemical vulnerability in the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem, or LME. A fundamental understanding of how multiple stressors impact marine organisms in the Gulf of Mexico is critical to the development of effective management, restoration, recovery and mitigation initiatives for living marine resources.


Plastic pollution and biodiversity risk

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes is a member of the Plastic Pollution Emissions Working Group. PlasticPEG, who is supported by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, is developing a global model that will estimate the efficacy of varying marine plastic pollution intervention strategies.

Current Projects Tools

Return on investment in biodiversity conservation

Global biodiversity loss is occurring at an unprecedented rate, due in part to a significant shortfall in funding for conservation actions. This research seeks to answer, “How much does it cost to achieve a conservation outcome?”

Current Projects Tools

Tools for measuring, modeling and valuing ecosystem services

In August of 2018, a new guide titled “Tools for measuring, modelling, and valuing ecosystem services: Guidance for Key Biodiversity Areas, natural World Heritage sites, and protected areas” was published as the result of a multi-year collaboration between the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and key partners around the world.
