Businesses impact and rely on biodiversity, either directly through their operations or indirectly through supply chains. Measuring and valuing these impacts and dependencies can reveal unseen business risks and opportunities. The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes led a project to develop a biodiversity supplement and an oceans supplement for Capitals Coaltition’s Natural Capital Protocol.
Our work
Natural capital protocol for biodiversity
The aim of the biodiversity supplement was to provide information for businesses to know how to appropriately assess the materiality of biodiversity to their businesses. When biodiversity is identified as a material issue, it is addressed in strategic and operational plans; companies systematically measure, value, and report on their impacts and dependencies on biodiversity; companies design and implement biodiversity action plans to address their impacts and dependencies; and companies embed biodiversity in their corporate strategy. This leads to businesses contributing to the achievement of the Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the associated United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. To explore this pathway, CBO and Conservation International (CI) collaborated on research examining how to mainstream the contribution of natural capital to global conservation development objectives. This collaboration produced an assessment of global reforestation on biodiversity conservation using geospatial analyses.
Natural capital protocol for the ocean
This framework was designed to help companies answer questions such as: How does your business depend on ocean resources? How is ocean natural capital changing and what risks and opportunities does it present? Which resources, information, or expertise do you need? As part of this initiative, CBO and key international partners hosted a series of workshops to define and develop content, including:
- Defining key issues to inform the overall focus;
- Developing a strategy for a value proposition and technical wireframe;
- Discussing communication and engagement strategy for project implementation.
- Natural Capital Biodiversity Guidance
- Watch this video to learn more about the NCP for Oceans.
- Kemppinen, K. M., Collins, P. M., Hole, D. G., Wolf, C., Ripple, W. J., & Gerber, L. R. (2020). Global reforestation and biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, 34(5), 1221–1228.
Partners and funding
- The Natural Capital Coalition
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
- Capitals Coalition
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Conservation International
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration