Journal article

Charles, M., and B. R. Bakshi. Designing Industrial Landscapes for Mitigating Air Pollution with Spatially-Explicit Techno-Ecological Synergy, AIChE Journal, 67, 10, 2021

Lee, K., S. Khanal and B. R. Bakshi. Techno-Ecologically Synergistic Food-Energy-Water Systems Meet Human and Ecosystem Needs, Energy and Environmental Science, 14, 7, 3700–3716, 2021

Thakker, V., and B. R. Bakshi. Designing Value-chains of Plastic and Paper Carrier Bags for a Sustainable and Circular Economy, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 9, 49, 16687-16698, 2021

Shah, U., and B. R. Bakshi. Improving Air Quality by Adapting Manufacturing to Pollution Uptake by Vegetation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 9, 49, 16709-16718, 2021

Thakker V., and B. R. Bakshi. Multi-scale Sustainable Engineering: Integrated Design of Reaction Networks, Life Cycles, and Economic Sectors, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 156, 107578, 2022

Charles, M., V. Vattyam, B. R. Bakshi, Designing Climate Action and Regulations for sustainaBility (DCARB): Framework and Campus Application, J. Cleaner Production, Apr, 131690, 2022

Xue, Y., B. R. Bakshi, Metrics for a Nature-Positive World: A multiscale approach for absolute environmental sustainability assessment, Science of the Total Environment, 846 (Nov. 2022), p. 157373.

Agrawal, A., B. R. Bakshi, H. Kodamana, M. Ramteke, Renewables-Integrated Energy Systems Can Provide Electricity at Lower Cost with Less Environmental and Social Damage, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10.40 (2022), pp. 13390–13401

Kim, S., A. Beier, H. B. Schreyer, and B. R. Bakshi. “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a novel cultivated meat burger patty in the United States”. Sustainability 14.23 (Dec. 2022), p. 16133.

Bakshi, B. R., M. Realff, Y. Arkun, and M. Morari. “Computers and Chemical Engineering Virtual Special Issue in honor of Professor George Stephanopoulos”. Computers & Chemical Engineering (2022), p. 107986.