Journal article

Talal S, Harrison JF, Farington R, Youngblood JP, Medina HE, Overson R, Cease AJ (2024) Body Mass and Growth Rates Predict Protein Intake across Animals. eLife 13: e88933.

Talal S, Chahal A, Osgood GM, Brosemann J, Harrison JF, Cease AJ (2023) Target for Lipid-to-Carbohydrate Intake Minimizes Cost of Growth. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291, no. 20240424.

Ries MW, Adriaansen C, Aldobai S, Berry K, Bal AB, Catenaccio MC, Cigliano MM, Cullen DA, Deveson T, Diongue A, Foquet B, Hadrich J, Hunter D, Johnson DL, Pablo Karnatz J, Lange CE, Lawton D, Lazar M, Latchininsky AV, Lecoq M, Le Gall M, Lockwood J, Manneh B, Overson R, Peterson BF, Piou C, Poot-Pech MA, Robinson BE, Rogers SM, Song H, Springate S, Therville C, Trumper E, Waters C, Woller DA, Youngblood JP, Zhang L, Cease A (2024) Global perspectives and transdisciplinary opportunities for locust and grasshopper pest management and research. Journal of Orthoptera Research 33(2): 169–216.

Cease, Arianne J (2024) How Nutrients Mediate the Impacts of Global Change on Locust Outbreaks. Annual Review of Entomology 69, no. 1: 527–50.

Zembrzuski, D, Woller DA, Jaronski S, Black LR, Reuter KC, Grief D, Beatty A, Overson R, Cease AJ (2023) Understanding How Diet and Temperature Affect Survival and Subsequent Sporulation in a Major Rangeland Grasshopper Pest, Melanoplus Sanguinipes, Infected with the Entomopathogenic Fungus, Metarhizium Robertsii. Biological Control 183: 1–10.

Youngblood J P, Cease AJ, Talal S, Copa F, Medina HE, Rojas JE,  Trumper EV, Angilletta MJ Jr., Harrison JF (2023) Climate Change Expected to Improve Digestive Rate and Trigger Range Expansion in Outbreaking Locusts. Ecological Monographs 93, no. 1 (2023): e1550.

Talal S, Parmar S, Osgood GM, Harrison JF, Cease AJ (2023) High Carbohydrate Consumption Increases Lipid Storage and Promotes Migratory Flight in Locusts. Journal of Experimental Biology 226, no. 3: 1–6.

Cease AJ, Trumper EV, Medina H, Bazán FC, Frana J, Harrison J, Joaquin N, et al. (2023) Field Bands of Marching Locust Juveniles Show Carbohydrate, Not Protein, Limitation. Current Research in Insect Science. 100069.

Brosemann J, Overson R, Cease AJ, Millerwise S, Le Gall M(2023) Nutrient Supply and Accessibility in Plants: Effect of Protein and Carbohydrates on Australian Plague Locust (Chortoicetes Terminifera) Preference and Performance. Frontiers in Insect Science 3.

Word ML, Hall SJ, Robinson BE, Manneh B, Beye A, Cease AJ (2019) Soil-targeted interventions could alleviate locust and grasshopper pest pressure in West Africa. Science of The Total Environment 663: 632–643.