Project overview
This project integrated novel fundamental research from multiple disciplines across four different countries — Australia, China, Senegal and the U.S. — to improve our ability to manage social-ecological systems.
We investigated physiological, ecological and nutritional mechanisms responsible for locust outbreaks and migration. This is one of the first projects to apply both highly controlled lab and field-based techniques to connect physiological mechanisms to agricultural practices and livelihoods.
Project partners
- Australian Plague Locust Commission
- Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
- New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
- Grassland Research Institute
- Inner Mongolia Agriculture University
- Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Lanzhou University
- Local Land Services
- Peace Corps Senegal
- Senegal Plant Protection Agency (La Direction de la Protection des Végétaux)
- Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal
- University of Sydney