A person is working in a lab

Get Involved

Image of the ESSA Scholar pathway using the basket-weaving analogy. ESSA scholars may step into different academic pathways, but they all will participate in ESSA activities and practices that build community and expand the ESSA network. As students advance through their individualized pathways (threads), they will come together to share their experiences and reflections with junior students, scholars, and faculty (woven basket). ESSA alumni will also contribute to the growing network of scholars and can function as advisors or mentors. The basket model reflects the creative action, the historical and cultural context, the conscious recognition of pattern, process, and planning, and the generation of a functional (and beautiful) product.

Join ESSA Scholars

The ESSA Graduate Scholars Network provides ASU graduate students with the opportunity to engage in immersive, interdisciplinary, and identity-based team research projects in earth systems science; to learn to apply their core disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge to actionable science-based societal problems needing new solutions; to learn to communicate effectively with decision-makers, policymakers, and community leaders about wicked problems needing complex solutions; to develop the skills necessary for careers in academic, public, private and nonprofit sectors; and to be a part of the coproduction of knowledge in the emerging science of the earth system.

Michele Clark

Through a diversity of projects and learning opportunities, ESSA helps me to expand my skill set and engage with a diverse range of graduate students …and coproduce new research ideas within communities.

Michele D. Clark, ESSA Project Manager

Find out more about our programs check out our Linktree


Be a part of the ESSA Graduate Scholars Network—We are looking for motivated graduate students:

Our networked mentoring model is designed to provide multiple avenues of support to students from a variety of life perspectives and backgrounds. ESSA team-building activities, a strong cyber structure and community, and co-location of trainees in a dedicated campus space build feelings of belonging. We embrace holistic approaches and university support for health and wellbeing, such as ASU Counseling Services, the ASU Counselor Training Center, and the LiveWell@ASU wellness program.

Getting involved is simple…

We are happy to discuss your interest in getting involved with the Earth System Science for the Anthropocene Graduate Scholar Network!

Please email us at [email protected] with any questions about the network.

In order to apply for any ESSA-related funding, you must first complete the ESSA scholar registration form here:

Contact us