Protecting biodiversity is an important part of building a healthy, thriving future on our planet.

Our team put together a few suggestions for easy changes you can make in your own life that can have a positive impact on biodiversity!

Ten simple actions to protect biodiversity

In order to have a healthy planet, we need to have a healthy you, too! Studies show that spending time in nature is beneficial for health and wellbeing. Practice mindfulness and promote loving-kindness to all living beings with whom we share the planet.

As Michael Pollan writes in The Omnivore’s Dilemma, “Eat food, mostly plants, not too much.” Replacing animal products with plant-based foods supports biodiversity by keeping land, water and air free from pollution.

On any given day, we use more water than we think. Simple actions like taking shorter showers, filling the dishwasher instead of handwashing and turning off the sink when brushing your teeth are all ways to save water. If that doesn’t convince you, this might –  when a family of 4 shortens their daily showers by just one minute, it saves 3058 gallons per year, or roughly $120. Water conservation is good for biodiversity and for your wallet!

As citizens of a broader government, one of our most powerful tools is using our voice. Call, write or lobby your representatives at local, state or federal levels. Consider joining an advocacy group like Biodiversity Ambassadors and work with others to support biodiversity goals.

Making a difference is not restricted to large global campaigns. There are many conservation and sustainability challenges you can address right in your own neighborhood and community. Some ways to help include volunteering with a clean-up group or helping restore local green spaces, joining an advocacy group, or donating financial support to these causes. If there is not already a group in your area, consider starting one of your own!

None of us is perfect, and we shouldn’t expect our food to be, either. When we purchase food with imperfections like bumps or divots, we can save money, reduce national food waste, reduce water waste and support biodiverse pollinators! Try shopping with companies like Imperfect Foods to save money, time and the planet – all while getting food delivered right to your door!

Seafood can be a more environmentally-friendly protein if it comes from the right sources. Buy seafood that meets certified standards that support good fishing practices, such as maintaining fish stocks and protecting marine environments. Consider Seafood Watch and MSC when choosing your seafood.

Organizing your fridge can be one of the easiest ways to prevent food waste. For your upper shelves, store items that do not require cooking and are ready to eat, such as fresh herbs (best placed in a glass jar with water). Lower shelves, however, are colder, which is the best place to store raw ingredients that require cooking, such as proteins. The warmest section of the fridge is the fridge door, a good place for condiments or items that do not perish easily (this is not a good place to keep milk or eggs). Lastly, if you have two fridge drawers, use one for fruits and one for vegetables because, as fruits ripen, they produce ethylene which causes other products to ripen more quickly.

In addition to cutting down on waste and pollution, it is important to be aware of where our regularly consumed products come from, and the practices that are employed to manufacture them. This can include non-sustainable practices or the incorporation of harmful or polluting substances – some of which may be improperly disposed of or harmful to animals or the environment. When you can, it is helpful to buy local and verify ethical standards in the products you purchase (i.e. Buycott). Consider buying recycled/reused products or reuse what you have before purchasing something brand new.

Ever hear the saying that nature is the best medicine? Spending time outdoors with friends and family can help cultivate a shared appreciation of biodiversity and inspire people to support conservation efforts.

For more information on the above actions, check out these resources!