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Aggarwal, R., P. Carapella, T. Mogues, J. Pico-Mejía (2024) Accounting for climate risks in costing the sustainable development goals, IMF Working Paper WP/24/49
Working paper.
Ahn, M., E. Baldwin and D. Girone (2024) Caution as a Response to Scientific Uncertainty: A Groundwater Game Experiment, International Journal of the Commons, 18(1): 369-383, DOI: 10.5334/ijc.1347
Journal article.
Anderies, J.M. and C. Folke (2024) Connecting human behaviour, meaning and nature, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379(1903): 20220314. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2022.0314
Journal article.
Baldwin, E., A. Thiel, M. McGinnis, and E. Kellner (2023) Empirical research on polycentric governance: Critical gaps and a framework for studying long-term change, Policy Studies Journal, DOI:10.1111/psj.12518
Journal article.
Freeman, J., E. Robinson, D. Bird, R.J. Hard, R.P. Mauldin, and J.M. Anderies (2024) The long-term expansion and recession of human populations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(12): e2312207121 DOI:10.1073/pnas.2312207121
Journal article.
Giang, A., M.R. Edwards, S.M. Fletcher, R. Gardner-Frolick, R. Gryba, J.-D. Mathias, C. Venier-Cambron, J.M. Anderies, E. Berglund, S. Carley, J.S. Erickson, E. Grubert, A. Hadjimichael, J. Hill, E. Mayfield, D. Nock, K.K. Pikok, R.K. Saari, M. Samudio Lezcano, A. Siddiqi, J.B. Skerker, amd C.W. Tessum (2024) Equity and modeling in sustainability science: Examples and opportunities throughout the process, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(13): e2215688121 DOI:10.1073/pnas.2215688121
Journal article.
Hodbod, J., M. Milkoreit, J. Baggio, J-D. Mathias, M. Schoon (2024) Principles for a case study approach to social tiping points, in Positive Tipping Points Towards Sustainability: Understanding the Conditions and Strategies for Fast Decarbonization in Regions, edited by D. Tàbara, A. Flamos, D. Mangalagiu, and S. Michas, Springer Climate (pp. 79-99) DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-50762-5_5
Journal article.
Janssen, M.A. (2023) Drylab 2023, in “The desert, the glacier and the super-structure” edited by S. Guelpa, Verlag für modern Kunst, ISBN 978-3-99153-052-7: pages 149-152.
Book chapter.
Janssen, M.A., X.S. Yap (2024) Governing Outer Space as a Commons in Critical for Addressing Commons on Earth, International Journal of the Commons 18(1): 32-38. DOI:10.5334/ijc.1378
Journal article.
Llhoest, S., C. Carr Kelman, C.J. Barton, J.A. Beaudette, and L.R. Gerber (2024) The impact factor of engaged research: Metrics for conservation outcomes, Biological Conservation 292: 110534. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110534
Journal article.
Manuel-Navarrete, D., S. DeLuca, F. Friso and M. Politi (2024) Ayahuasca ceremonies, relationality, and inner-outer transformations to sustainability. Evidence from Takiwasi Center in Peru, Ecosystems and People 20(1): 2339227. DOI:10.1080/26395916.2024.2339227
Journal article.
Wiechman, A., Alonso Vicario, S., Anderies, J. M., Garcia, M., Azizi, K., & Hornberger, G. (2024). Institutional Dynamics Impact the Response of Urban Socio-Hydrologic Systems to Supply Challenges. Water Resources Research, 60(2), e2023WR035565.
DOI: 10.1029/2023WR035565.Journal article.
Yap, X-S., M.A. Janssen, T. Aganaba, R. Tutton, K. Korpershoek, G. Profitiliotis, F. Rabitz, M. Shiney Subbiah, and L. Wagenknecht (2023) Four Alternative Scenarios of Commons in Space, International Journal of the Commons 17(1): 390-410. DOI: 10.5334/ijc.1272
Journal article.
Aggarwal, R., & Anderies, J. (2023). Understanding how governance emerges in social-ecological systems: insights from archetype analysis. Ecology and Society, 28(2).
DOI: 10.5751/es-14061-280202.Journal article.
Aguilar, B., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Lerner, A. M., & Siqueiros-García, J. M. (2023). Making Informal Water Distribution Work: Collective Agency and Self-Organization in Informal Areas of Xochimilco, Mexico City. The International Journal of the Commons, 17(1), 54–68.
DOI: 10.5334/ijc.1209.Journal article.
Anderies, J.M., W. Barfuss, J.F. Donges, I. Fetzer, J. Heitzig and J. Rockström (2023) A modeling framework for World-Earth system resilience: exploring social inequality and Earth system tipping points, Environmental Research Letters 18: 095001.
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ace91d.Journal article.
Barragán-Paladines, M. J., Schoon, M., D’Escury, W. C., & Chuenpagdee, R. (2023). Managing Fish or Governing Fisheries? An Historical Recount of Marine Resources Governance in the Context of Latin America – The Ecuadorian Case. In Springer eBooks (pp. 47–71).
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Bertassello, L., M.F. Müller, A. Wiechman, G. Penny, M. Tuninette, M.C. Müller-Itten (2023), Food demand displaced by global refugee migration influences water use in already water stressed countries. Nature Communications 14, 2706.
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Carr Kelman, C., U. Brady, A.B. Raschke and M.L. Schoon (2023) A Systematic Review of Key Factors of Effective Collaborative Governance of Social-Ecological Systems, Society & Natural Resources 36:11, 1452-1470.
DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2228234.Journal article.
Castille, E.L., M.A. Janssen, and C.T. Solomon (2023) Polycentric governance systems’ perceived impact on learning in north-central US lake and watershed organizations. Regional Environmental Change 23: 109.
DOI: 10.1007/s10113-023-02100-8.Journal article.
Charli-Joseph, L., J.M. Siqueiros-García, H. Eakin, D. Manuel-Navarrete, M. Mazari-Hiriart, R. Shelton, P. Pérez-Belmont, and B. Ruizpalacios (2023) Enabling collective agency for sustainability transformations through reframing in the Xochimilco socio-ecological system, Sustainability Science 18, 1215–1233.
Journal article.
Deslatte, A., E.A. Koebele, L. Bartels, A. Wiechman, S. Alonso Vicario, C. Coughlin and D. Rybolt (2023) Institutions, Voids, and Dependencies: Tracing the Designs and Robustness of Urban Water Systems, International Review of Public Policy 5:2.
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Eppinga, M.B., H.J. de Boer, M.O. Reader, J.M. Anderies, M.J. Santos (2023) Environmental change and ecosystem functioning drive transitions in social-ecological systems: A stylized modelling approach, Ecological Economics 211: 107861.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107861.Journal article.
Freeman, J., Baggio, J. A., Miranda, L., & Anderies, J. M. (2023). Infrastructure and the Energy Use of Human Polities. Cross-Cultural Research, 57(2–3), 294–322
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Hughes, A. C., Tougeron, K., Martin, D. A., Menga, F., Rosado, B. H., Villasante, S., Madgulkar, S., Gonçalves, F., Geneletti, D., Diele-Viegas, L. M., Berger, S., Colla, S. R., De Andrade Kamimura, V., Caggiano, H., Melo, F., De Oliveira Dias, M. G., Kellner, E., & Couto, E. V. D. (2023). Smaller human populations are neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation, 277, 109841.
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Janssen, M. A., Falk, T., Meinzen-Dick, R., & Vollan, B. (2023). Using games for social learning to promote self-governance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 62, 101289.
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Janssen, M.A. and J.M. Anderies (2023) Infrastructure for Sustainability, Pressbooks. .Book.
Kellner, E. (2023) Identifying leverage points for shifting Water-Energy-Food nexus cases towards sustainability through the Networks of Action Situations approach combined with systems thinking. Sustainability Science 18, 135–152.
DOI: 10.1007/s11625-022-01170-7.Journal article.
Kellner, E., and D.A. Martin (2023) Learning from past coevolutionary processes to envision sustainable futures: Extending an action situations approach to the Water-Energy-Food nexus, Earth System Governance 15: 100168.
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Kimmich, C., Ehlers, M., Kellner, E., Oberlack, C., Thiel, A., & Villamayor-Tomas, S. (2023). Networks of action situations in social–ecological systems: current approaches and potential futures. Sustainability Science, 18(1), 1–10.
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Lobo, J., R.M. Aggarwal, M. Alberti, M. Allen-Dumas, L.M.A. Bettencourt, C. Boone, C. Brelsford, V.C. Broto, H. Eakin, S. Bagshi-Sen, S. Meeow, C. D’Cruz, A. Revi, D.C. Robets, M.E. Smith, A. York, T. Lin, X. Bai, W Solecki, D. Pataki, L. Bojorquez-Tapia, M. Rockman, M. Wolfram, P. Schlosser and N. Gauthier (2023) Integration of urban science and urban climate adaptation research: opportunities to advance climate action. npi Urban Sustainability 3: 32.
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Raschke, A. B., Cockburn, J., Cisneros, P., Ocampo-Melgar, A., Schoon, M., Kelman, C. C., & Srinivasan, J. (2023). Learning from sticky variables in cross-case analyses of collaboration in social-ecological systems. Ecosystems and People, 19(1).
DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2023.2187639.Journal article.
Shin, H.C., P. Yousefi, S. Park, D.J. Yu, M.A. Janssen, S. Vallury and E. Araral (2023) Coping with Unreliable Water Supply: An Experimental Study of Exit and Voice, Water Resources Research, 59(6): e2022WR032468.
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Srinivasan, J., & Schoon, M. (2023). Recovery or continued resuscitation? A clinical diagnosis of Colorado River sub-basin recovery programs. Ecology and Society, 28(1).
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Walker, B., Crépin, A., Nyström, M., Anderies, J. M., Andersson, E., Elmqvist, T., Queiroz, C., Barrett, S., Bennett, E., Cárdenas, J. C., Carpenter, S. R., Chapin, F. S., De Zeeuw, A., Fischer, J., Folke, C., Levin, S. A., Nyborg, K., Polasky, S., Segerson, K., Seto, K.C.,Scheffer, M., Shogren, J. F., Tavoni, A., van den Bergh, J., Weber, E. U., Vincent, J. R. (2023). Response diversity as a sustainability strategy. Nature Sustainability 6, 621–629.
Journal article.
Anderies, J.M., G.S. Cumming, H.S. Clements, S.J. Lade, R. Seppelt, S. Chawla and B. Müller (2022) A framework for conceptualizing and modeling social-ecological systems for conservation research, Biological Conservation 275, 109769.
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Baggio J.A., J. Freeman, T.R. Coyle, and J.M. Anderies (2022) Harnessing the benefits of diversity to address socio-environmental governance challenges. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0263399.
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Barton, C.M., M.A. Janssen, A. Lee, S. van der Leeuw, G.E. Tucker, C. Porter, J. Greenberg, L. Swantek, K. Frank, M. Chen and H.R.A. Jagers (2022), How to make models more useful, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (35) e2202112119.
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Berbés-Blázquez, M., M. Schoon, K. Benessaiah, E. Bennett, G. Peterson, and R. Ghimire (2022) Resilience in the times of COVID: what the response to the COVID pandemic teaches us about resilience principles, Ecology & Society 27(2).
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Breetz, H.J., L.C. Kunkel, S. Vallury, and K.V. Cuiffo (2022) Small towns with big plans: Municipal adoption of 100% renewable electricity policies, Energy Research & Social Science 90, 102664.
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Chapin, F. S., Weber, E. U., Bennett, E. M., Biggs, R., van den Bergh, J., Adger, W. N., Crépin, A. S., Polasky, S., Folke, C., Scheffer, M., Segerson, K., Anderies, J. M., Barrett, S., Cardenas, J. C., Carpenter, S. R., Fischer, J., Kautsky, N., Levin, S. A., Shogren, J. F., Walker, B., Wilen, J. and de Zeeuw, A. (2022). Earth stewardship: Shaping a sustainable future through interacting policy and norm shifts. Ambio 51, 1907–1920.
Journal article.
Deslatte, A., L. Helmke-Long, J.M. Anderies, M. Garcia, G.M. Hornberger, and E.A. Koebele (2022) Assessing sustainability through the Institutional Grammar of urban water systems, Policy Studies Journal.
DOI: 10.1111/psj.12444.Journal article.
Deslatte, A., M. Garcia, E.A. Koebele, and J.M. Anderies (2022) Assessing the robustness of institutional arrangements, Routledge Handbook of Urban Water Governance edited by T. Bolognesi, F. Silva Pinto, and M. Farrelly, 284-296,
DOI: 10.4324/9781003057574-24.Book chapter.
Eaton, W.A., M. Burnham, T. Robertson, J.G. Arbuckle, K. J Brasier, M.E. Burbach, S.P. Church, G. Hart-Fredeluces, D. Jackson-Smith, G. Wildermuth, K.N. Canfield, S. Córdova, C.D. Chatelain, L.B. Fowler, C.J. Kirchhoff, M.K. Manheim, R.O. Martinez, A. Mook, C.A. Mullin, A.L. Murrah-Hanson, C.O. Onabola, L.E. Parker, E.A. Redd, C. Schelly, M.L. Schoon, W.A. Sigler, E. Smit, T. van Huysen, M.R. Worosz, C. Eberly, and A. Rogers (2022) Advancing the scholarship and practice of stakeholder engagement in working landscapes: a co-produced research agenda, Socio-Ecological Practice Research,
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Falayi, M., Gambiza, J., & Schoon, M. (2022). ‘The ghost of environmental history’: Analysing the evolving governance of communal rangeland resources in Machubeni, South Africa. People and Nature.
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Homayounfar, M., Muneepeerakul, R., & Anderies, J. M. (2022). Resilience-performance trade-offs in managing social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society, 27(1).
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Janssen, M.A., D.A. DeCaro, and A. Lee (2022), An agent-based model of the interaction between inequality, trust and communication in common pool experiments, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25(4): 3.
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Janssen, MA. (2022). A Perspective on the Future of Studying the Commons. International Journal of the Commons, 16(1), pp. 243–247.
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Jones-Crank, J. L., White, D. D., Aggarwal, R., & Melnick, R. (2022). An Assessment Framework for Integrated Food-Energy-Water Nexus Governance: Application to the Cases of Phoenix and Cape Town. Society & Natural Resources, 1–21.
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Kellner, E., (2022) Identifying leverage points for shifting Water-Energy-Food nexus cases towards sustainability through the Networks of Action Situations approach combined with systems thinking, Sustainability Science, 6.
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Khan, Z., E. Abraham, S. Aggarwal, M.A. Khan, R. Arguello, M. Babbar-Sebens, J.L. Bereslawski, J.M Bielicki, P.E. Campana, M.E.S. Carrazzone, H. Castanier, F.J. Chang, P. Collins, A. Conchado, K.R. Dagani, B. Daher, S.C Dekker, R. Delgado, F.A Diuana, J. Doelman, A.A. Elshorbagy, C. Fan, R. Gaudioso, S.H Gebrechorkos, H.M.E. Geli, E. Grubert, D. Huang, T. Huang, A. Ilyas, A. Ivakhnenko, G.P.W. Jewitt, M. João Ferreira dos Santos, J.L. Jones, E. Kellner, E.H. Krueger, I. Kumar, J. Lamontagne, A. Lansu, S. Lee, R. Li, P. Linares, D. Marazza, M.P. Mascari, R.A. McManamay, M. Meng, S. Mereu, F. Miralles-Wilhelm, R. Mohtar, A. Muhammad, A.K. Opejin, S. Pande, S. Parkinson, R. Payet-Burin, M. Ramdas, E.P. Ramos, S. Ray, P. Roberts, J. Sampedro, K.T. Sanders, M.H. Saray, J. Schmidt, M. Shanafield, S. Siddiqui, M. Suriano, M. Taniguchi, A. Trabucco, M. Tuninetti, A. Vinca, B. Weeser, D.D. White, T.B. Wild, K. Yadav, N. Yogeswaran, T. Yokohata, Q. Yue (2022) Emerging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation, Frontiers in Environmental Science 10.
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Kimmich, C., E. Baldwin, E. Kellner, C. Oberlack, and S. Villamayor-Tomas (2022) Networks of action situations: a systematic review of empirical research, Sustainability Science 11:1-16.
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Salau, K.R., J.A. Baggio, D.W. Shanafelt, M.A. Janssen, J.K. Abbott, and E.P. Fenichel (2022) Taking a moment to measure networks—an approach to species conservation Landscape Ecology, 37: 2551–2569.
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Shin, H. C., Vallury, S., Abbott, J. K., Anderies, J. M., & Yu, D. J. (2022). Understanding the effects of institutional diversity on irrigation systems dynamics. Ecological Economics, 191, 107221.
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Shin, H. C., Vallury, S., Janssen, M. A., & Yu, D. J. (2022). Joint effects of voluntary participation and group selection on the evolution of altruistic punishment. PLOS ONE, 17(5), e0268019.
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Vallury, S., Shin, H. C., Janssen, M. A., Meinzen-Dick, R., Kandikuppa, S., Rao, K. R., & Chaturvedi, R. (2022). Assessing the institutional foundations of adaptive water governance in South India. Ecology and Society, 27(1):Art. 18..
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Vanegas Ferro, M., Lee, A., Pritchard, C., Barton, C. M., and Janssen, M. A. (2022). Containerization for creating reusable model code. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 3, 18074
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Cox, M., G. G. Gurney, J. M. Anderies, E. Coleman, E. Darling, G. B. Epstein, U. Frey, M. Nenadovic, E. Schlager, and S. Villamayor-Tomas (2021) Lessons learned from synthetic research projects based on the Ostrom Workshop frameworks. Ecology and Society 26(1):17.
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DeCaro, D. A., Janssen, M. A., & Lee, A. (2021). Motivational foundations of communication, voluntary cooperation, and self-governance in a common-pool resource dilemma. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 2, 100016.
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Deslatte, A., Helmke‐Long, L., Anderies, J. M., Garcia, M., Hornberger, G. M., & Ann Koebele, E. (2021). Assessing sustainability through the Institutional Grammar of urban water systems. Policy Studies Journal. Published.
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Eppinga, M.B., K. Siteur, M. Baudena, M.O. Reader H. van’t Veen, J.M. Anderies, M.J. Santos (2021) Long-term transients help explain regime shifts in consumer-renewable resource systems. Communications Earth & Environment 2, 42.
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Epstein, G., G. Gurney, S. Chawla, J.M Anderies, J. Baggio, H. Unnikrishnan, S. Villamayor Tomas, and G.S Cumming (2021) Drivers of compliance monitoring in forest commons, Nature Sustainability
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Falayi, M., Gambiza, J., & Schoon, M. (2021). A scoping review of environmental governance challenges in southern Africa from 2010 to 2020. Environmental Conservation, 48(4), 235–243.
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Freeman, J., Anderies, J. M., Beckman, N. G., Robinson, E., Baggio, J. A., Bird, D., Nicholson, C., Finley, J. B., Capriles, J. M., Gil, A. F., Byers, D., Gayo, E., & Latorre, C. (2021). Landscape Engineering Impacts the Long-Term Stability of Agricultural Populations. Human Ecology, 49(4), 369–382.
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Freeman, J., Hard, R. J., Mauldin, R. P., & Anderies, J. M. (2021). Radiocarbon data may support a Malthus-Boserup model of hunter-gatherer population expansion. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 63, 101321.
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Kittinger, J.N., M. Bernard, E. Finkbeiner, E. Murphy, P. Obregon, D.H Klinger, M.L Schoon, K.J. Dooley, and L.R Gerber (2021) Applying a jurisdictional approach to support sustainable seafood, Conservation Science and Practice, e386.
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Lindahl, T., Janssen, M. A., & Schill, C. (2021). Controlled Behavioral Experiments. In R. Biggs, A. de Vos, R. Preiser, H. Clements, K. Maciejewski, & M. Schlüter (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems (pp. 295–306). Routledge.
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Adger, W. N., Crépin, A.-S., Folke, C., Ospina, D., Chapin, F. S., Segerson, K., Seto, K. C., Anderies, J. M., Barrett, S., Bennett, E. M., Daily, G., Elmqvist, T., Fischer, J., Kautsky, N., Levin, S. A., Shogren, J. F., van den Bergh, J., Walker, B., Wilen, J. (2020). Urbanization, Migration, and Adaptation to Climate Change. One Earth, 3(4), 396–399.
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Barreteau, O., Anderies, J. M., Guerbois, C., Quinn, T., Therville, C., Mathevet, R., & Bousquet, F. (2020). Transfers of vulnerability through adaptation plan implementation: an analysis based on networks of feedback control loops. Ecology and Society, 25(2), 3.
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Barrett, S., Dasgupta, A., Dasgupta, P., Adger, W. N., Anderies, J., van den Bergh, J., Bledsoe, C., Bongaarts, J., Carpenter, S., Chapin, F.S., Crépin, A.S., Daily, G., Ehrlich, P., Folke, C., Kautsky, N., Lambin, E.F., Levin, S.A., Mäler, K.G., Naylor, R., Nyborg, K., Polasky, S., Scheffer, M., Shogren, J., Jørgensen, P.S., Walker, B., Wilen, J. (2020). Social dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(12), 6300–6307.
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Cumming, G. S., Epstein, G., Anderies, J. M., Apetrei, C. I., Baggio, J., Bodin, Ö., Chawla, S., Clements, H.S., Cox, M., Egli, L., Gurney, G.G., Lubell, M., Magliocca, N., Morrison, T.H., Müller, B., Seppelt, R., Schlüter, M., Unnikrishnan, H., Villamayor-Tomas, S., Weible, C. M. (2020). Advancing understanding of natural resource governance: a post-Ostrom research agenda. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 44, 26–34.
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Freeman, J., Robinson, E., Beckman, N. G., Bird, D., Baggio, J. A., & Anderies, J. M. (2020). The global ecology of human population density and interpreting changes in paleo-population density. Journal of Archaeological Science, 120, 105168.
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Jakeman, A., Athanasiadis, I., Haasnoot, M., Janssen, M., & Voinov, A. (2020). Editorial: The inaugural issue of Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling (SESMO). Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 1, 16399.
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Mathias, J.-D., Anderies, J. M., Baggio, J., Hodbod, J., Huet, S., Janssen, M. A., Milkoreit, M., Schoon, M. (2020). Exploring non-linear transition pathways in social-ecological systems. Scientific Reports, 10, 4136.
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Muneepeerakul, R., & Anderies, J. M. (2020). The emergence and resilience of self-organized governance in coupled infrastructure systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(9), 4617–4622.
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Oestmo, S., Janssen, M. A., & Cawthra, H. C. (2020). Applying Brantingham’s neutral model of stone raw material procurement to the Pinnacle Point Middle Stone Age record, Western Cape, South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews, 235, 105901.
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Schwarz, N., G. Dressler, K. Frank, W. Jager, M.A. Janssen, B. Müller, M. Schlüter, N. Wijermans, and J. Groeneveld (2020), Formalising theories of human decision-making for agent-based modelling of social-ecological systems: practical lessons learned and ways forward, Socio-Environmental Systems Modeling. 2, 16340.
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Shin, H. C., Yu, D. J., Park, S., Anderies, J. M., Abbott, J. K., Janssen, M. A., & Ahn, T. K. (2020). How do resource mobility and group size affect institutional arrangements for rule enforcement? A qualitative comparative analysis of fishing groups in South Korea. Ecological Economics, 174, 106657.
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Vallury, S., Abbott, J. K., Shin, H. C., & Anderies, J. M. (2020). Sustaining Coupled Irrigation Infrastructures: Multiple Instruments for Multiple Dilemmas. Ecological Economics, 178, 106793.
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van Laerhoven, F., Schoon, M., & Villamayor-Tomas, S. (2020). Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Ostrom’s Governing the Commons: Traditions and Trends in the Study of the Commons, Revisited. International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), 208–224.
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Whitaker, D., Crippen, A., Johnson, C., and Janssen, M.A. (2020). Conditions for success in natural resource management by volunteer-based organizations: A study of lake management organizations in Vilas County, Wisconsin, USA. CBIE Working Paper Series, #CBIE-2020-004. Arizona State University.
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York, A. M., Eakin, H., Bausch, J. C., Smith-Heisters, S., Anderies, J. M., Aggarwal, R., Leonard, B., Wright, K. (2020). Agricultural Water Governance in the Desert: Shifting Risks in Central Arizona. Water Alternatives, 13(2), 418–445. article.
Yu, D. J., Schoon, M. L., Hawes, J. K., Lee, S., Park, J., Rao, P. S. C., Siebeneck, L. K., Ukkusuri, S. V. (2020). Toward General Principles for Resilience Engineering. Risk Analysis, 40(8), 1509–1537.
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Anderies, J. M., Barreteau, O., & Brady, U. (2019). Refining the Robustness of Social-Ecological Systems Framework for comparative analysis of coastal system adaptation to global change. Regional Environmental Change, 19(7), 1891–1908.
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Antoni, C., Huber-Sannwald, E., Reyes Hernández, H., van’t Hooft, A., & Schoon, M. (2019). Socio-ecological dynamics of a tropical agricultural region: Historical analysis of system change and opportunities. Land Use Policy, 81,346–359.
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Baeza, A., Bojorquez-Tapia, L. A., Janssen, M. A., & Eakin, H. (2019). Operationalizing the feedback between institutional decision-making, socio-political infrastructure, and environmental risk in urban vulnerability analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 241,407–417.
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Bernstein, M. J., del Mar Mancha-Cisneros, M., Tyson, M., Brady, U., Rubiños, C. A., Shin, H. C., Vallury, S., Smith-Heisters, S., and Ratajczyk, E. (2019). Mapping Ostrom’s common-pool resource systems coding handbook to the coupled infrastructure systems framework to enable comparative research. International Journal of the Commons, 13(1), 528–552.
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Bojórquez-Tapia, L. A., Janssen, M., Eakin, H., Baeza, A., Serrano-Candela, F., Gómez-Priego, P., & Miquelajauregui, Y. (2019). Spatially-explicit simulation of two-way coupling of complex socio-environmental systems: Socio-hydrological risk and decision making in Mexico City. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 1, 16129.
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Brown, K., Adger, W. N., Devine-Wright, P., Anderies, J. M., Barr, S., Bousquet, F., … Quinn, T. (2019). Empathy, place and identity interactions for sustainability. Global Environmental Change, 56,11–17.
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Folke, C., Österblom, H., Jouffray, J.-B., Lambin, E. F., Adger, W. N., Scheffer, M., Crona, B.I., Nyström, M., Levin, S.A., Carpenter, S.R., Anderies, J.M., Chapin, S. III, Crépin, A.S., Dauriach, A., Galaz, V., Gordon, L.J., Kautsky, N., Walker, B.H., Watson, J.R., Wilen, J., de Zeeuw, A. (2019). Transnational corporations and the challenge of biosphere stewardship. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(10), 1396–1403.
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Gunderson, L., Folke, C., & Janssen, M. A. (2019). Remembering Buzz Holling. Ecology and Society, 24(4).
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Janssen, M. A., Smith-Heisters, S., Aggarwal, R., & Schoon, M. L. (2019). ‘Tragedy of the commons’ as conventional wisdom in sustainability education. Environmental Education Research, 1–18.
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Manuel-Navarrete, D., Morehart, C., Tellman, B., Eakin, H., Siqueiros-García, J. Mario., & Hernández Aguilar, B. (2019). Intentional disruption of path-dependencies in the Anthropocene: Gray versus green water infrastructure regimes in Mexico City, Mexico. Anthropocene, 26,100209.
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Shivakoti, G. P., Janssen, M. A., & Chhetri, N. B. (2019). Agricultural and Natural Resources Adaptations to Climate Change: Governance Challenges in Asia. International Journal of the Commons, 13(2), 827–832.
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van Strien, M. J., Huber, S. H., Anderies, J. M., & Grêt-Regamey, A. (2019). Resilience in social-ecological systems: identifying stable and unstable equilibria with agent-based models. Ecology and Society, 24(2).
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Zhou, B.-B., Wu, J., & Anderies, J. M. (2019). Sustainable landscapes and landscape sustainability: A tale of two concepts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 274–284.
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Anderies, J. M., Mathias, J.-D., & Janssen, M. A. (2018). Knowledge infrastructure and safe operating spaces in social–ecological systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(12), 5277–5284
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Anderies, J.M. O. Barreteau, U. Brady (2018) Refinements of the robustness framework: towards a standardization of SES adaptation analysis. CBIE Working Paper Series #CBIE-2018-007, Arizona State University.
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Anderies, J.M., J.D. Matthias, and M.A. Janssen (2018) Knowledge infrastructure and safe operating spaces in social-ecological systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
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Antoni, C., H. Reyes Hernández, E. Huber-Sannwald, A. van´t Hooft, M. Schoon (2018) Socio-ecological dynamic of a tropical agricultural landscape: historical analysis of system change using the adaptive cycle. Land Use Policy.
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Bernstein, M.J., M. del Mar Manchas-Cisneros, M. Tyson, U. Brady, C. Rubinos, H.C. Shin, S. Vallury, S. Smith-Heisters, E. Ratajczyk (2018) Making sense of a babbling equilibrium across common-pool resources frameworks. CBIE Working Paper Series #CBIE-2018-005, Arizona State University.
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del Mar Mancha-Cisneros, M., A.N. Suárez-Castillo, J. Torre, J.M. Anderies, L.R. Gerber (2018) The role of stakeholder perceptions and institutions for marine reserve efficacy in the Midriff Islands Region, Gulf of California. Mexico, Ocean and Coastal Management 162: 181-192.
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Freeman, J. J.M. Anderies, R.P. Mauldin, R.J. Hard (2018) A network theory of hunter-gatherer population distribution. CBIE Working Paper Series #CBIE-2018-008, Arizona State University.
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Freeman, J., J.A. Baggio, E. Robinson, D.A Byers, E. Gayo, J.B. Finley, J.A Meyer, R.L Kelly, J.M Anderies (2018) Synchronization of energy consumption by human societies throughout the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115 (40): 9962-9967
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Harlow, J., Johnston, E., Hekler, E., & Yeh, Z. (2018). Fostering Sustainability Transitions by Designing for the Convergence of Policy Windows and Transition Arenas. Sustainability, 10(9), 2975.
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Homayounfar, M., R. Muneepeerakul, J.M. Anderies, C.P. Muneepeerakul (2018) Linking resilience and robustness and uncovering their trade-offs in coupled infrastructure systems. Earth System Dynamics 9(4): 1159-1168
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Janssen, M.A., A. Jenik, S.Z. Tekola, K. Davis, S. Flores, W. Gibbs, M. Koehn, V. Lyons, C. Mallory, S. Rood, S. Guelpa and L.A. Pfister (2018) Drylab 2023: Living a possible future with resource scarcity. Ecology & Society 23(4):8
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Kelman, C.C., U. Brady, J. Baggio, J. Lee, C. Rojas, J. Srinivasan, S. Vallury and S. Michael (2018) Practitioner brief on factors for effective environmental management collaboration. CBIE Working Paper Series #CBIE-2018-003, Arizona State University.
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Lade, S.J., J.F. Donges, I. Fetzer, J.M. Anderies, C. Beer, S.E. Cornell, T. Gasser, J. Norberg, K. Richardson, J. Rockström, and W. Steffen (2018) Analytically tractable climate–carbon cycle feedbacks under 21st century anthropogenic forcing. Earth System Dynamics 9(2): 507-523
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Mathias, J.-D., J.M. Anderies, M.A. Janssen (2018) How does knowledge infrastructure mobilization influence the safe operating space of regulated exploited ecosystems? CBIE Working Paper Series #CBIE-2018-002, Arizona State University.
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Milkoreit, M., J. Hodbod, J. Baggio, K. Benessaiah, R. Calderon- Contreras, J.F. Donges, J.D. Mathias, J.C. Rocha, M. Schoon, S.E. Werners (2018) Defining tipping points for social-ecological systems scholarship. Environmental Research Letters
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Robinson, D.R., A. Di Vittorio, P. Alexander, A. Arneth, C.M. Barton, D.G. Brown, A. Kettner, C. Lemmen, B. O’Neill, M.A. Janssen, T. Pugh, S.S. Rabin, M. Rounsevell, J. Syvitski, I. Ullah and P.H. Verburg (2018) Modelling feedbacks between human and natural processes in the land system, Earth System Dynamics
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Schoon, M.L., and M.E. Cox (2018) Collaboration, adaptation and scaling: perspectives on environmental governance for sustainability. Sustainability 10 (3): 679.
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Shelton, R.E., A. Baeza, M.A. Janssen, and H. Eakin (2018) Managing household socio-hydrological risk in Mexico City: A game to communicate and validate computational modeling with stakeholders. Journal of Environmental Management 227: 200-208.
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Shelton, R.E., M.A. Janssen, R. Meinzen-Dick (2018) Measuring learning from interventions through participatory processes. CBIE Working Paper Series #CBIE-2018-004, Arizona State University.
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Stokes, L. C., & Breetz, H. L. (2018). Politics in the U.S. energy transition: Case studies of solar, wind, biofuels and electric vehicles policy. Energy Policy, 113,76–86.
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Cárdenas, J.C., M.A. Janssen, M. Ale, R. Bastakoti, A.M. Bernal, J. Chalermphol, Y. Gong, H.C. Shin, G. Shivakoti, Y. Wang, J.M. Anderies. 2017. Fragility of the provision of local public goods to private and collective risks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114(5): 921-925.
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Chai, Y. and M.A. Janssen (2017). Experiments on the commons: A micro-behavioral perspective. Chinese Science Publishing and Media (in Chinese).
Eakin, H., L. Bojórquez-Tapia, M.A. Janssen, M. Georgescu, D. Manuel-Navarrete, E.R. Vivoni, E.R., A.E. Escalante, A. Baeza-Castro, M. Mazari-Hiriart and A.M. Lerner (2017). Urban resilience efforts must consider social and political forces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114(2): 186-189.
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