Research focus
The diverse research foci of CBIE faculty members are united by a common interest in how humans interact with their environment.
How do institutional arrangements and the biophysical environment constrain and facilitate the way humans make decisions in collective action situations about their common resources? Increasingly our research focuses on coupled infrastructure systems, recognizing that collective action for the creation and maintenance of natural and human-made infrastructure are similar in rural irrigation systems as well as urban water governance.
At CBIE, research questions are addressed from a multi-method approach. We combine methods from original field research and historical analysis to controlled experiments and formal modeling. We have scholars, students and faculty, trained in diverse methodologies, who work together on common projects.

Games for Sustainability
At Games for Sustainability, we provide a repository of outcomes on the use of experiments to study how people solve collective action problems related to the use of common resources.
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Governing Coffee Landscapes

Lab experiments of social-ecological systems

Managing political-economy of vulnerability in cities


CAREER: Local Context and the Dynamics of Social-Ecological Systems: Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Solutions to Environmental Problems

When Strengths Become Weaknesses: Emerging Vulnerabilities in Coupled Natural Human Systems under Globalization and Climate Change

Playing Games to Save Water: Lessons from Experiments in India

A Research Network for Computational Modeling in the Socioecological Systems

Governing Coffee Landscapes

Lab experiments of social-ecological systems

Port of Mars

Managing political-economy of vulnerability in cities


Arctic Robust Communities-Navigating Adaptation to Variability