NOTE: Summer internship applications are usually due in February.
About Research Experience for Undergraduates. Any undergraduate is eligible to apply for an REU (you don’t need to be enrolled at that institution). Many options are available remotely.
National Weather Center REU Summer internships
Hobart and William Smith Colleges REU Summer internships
Monterey Bay / California State University REU Summer internships
University of Utah REU Summer internships
University of Alabama REU Summer internships
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes Summer internships
North Central Region Water Network REU Summer internships
Texas A & M REU Summer internships
NCAR/UCAR SOARS Summer internships
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Search for a Program
or search Atmosphere and Geospace Science REUs
NOAA Student opportunities Current opportunities
Application tips
Applying to the NWS Video
National Weather Service Hiring Tips
How to apply for a job with the NWS Article
Internships Scroll down to the “Application Items” section