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Weather, climate modeling, weather, urban climate, atmosphere, mitigation, adaptation, air quality, heat, flood, drought

Extreme weather and climate events, including droughts and floods, as well as human-induced land use changes such as urbanization, directly affect the availability and quality of water. Understanding the complex interactions between, climate, weather patterns and the water cycle is critical for anticipating risks and mitigating the impacts of climate change on water resources, ensuring water security and promoting resilience in cities and rural/agricultural areas.

Portrait of Robert Balling

Robert Balling


School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

Balling has a long history of conducting research on the climate change issue with a special interest in blending in applications involving Geographic Information Systems.

Portrait of Randall Cerveny

Randall Cerveny

President’s Professor

School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

Cerveny, professor of geographical sciences, also serves as Rapporteur on Extreme Records for the United Nations/World Meteorological Organization with the responsibility for researching and verifying global weather records.

Portrait of Melanie Gall

Melanie Gall

Co-Center Director and Assistant Professor

School of Public Affairs (SPA)

Gall is a hazards geographer and studies how natural hazards and society interact. She utilizes geospatial analytics and disaster metrics (vulnerability indices, losses, etc.) to capture these interactions.

Portrait of Matei Georgescu

Matei Georgescu


School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

Georgescu’s interests are on human-environment interactions, with research aimed to improve understanding of phenomena related to urbanization-induced landscape change. He is a member of the Urban Climate Research Center.

Portrait of Pierre Herckes

Pierre Herckes


School of Molecular Sciences

Herckes is a Professor in ASU’s School of Molecular Sciences. His research areas include analytical, environmental and atmospheric chemistry.

Portrait of Huei-Ping Huang

Huei-Ping Huang

Associate Professor

School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy

  • ENGRC 359

Huang’s research interests are geophysical and environmental fluid dynamics, numerical simulation of atmospheric and oceanic flows, Earth system remote sensing, and climate change.

Portrait of Junyu Lu

Junyu Lu

Assistant Professor

School of Community Resources & Development (CRD)

Dr. Lu’s research interests are climate change and adaptation, agricultural community engagement, disaster and risk management, and parks & protected areas. He integrates advanced quantitative methodologies in his research.

Portrait of Alex Mahalov

Alex Mahalov


School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Current research interests include 3D Navier-Stokes and Maxwell equations, physics-informed AI/ML computational modeling and the stochastic theory of electromagnetic wave propagation.

Portrait of Sara Meerow

Sara Meerow

Associate Professor

School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

Meerow combines the disciplines of geography and urban planning as she researches how to make cities more resilient in the face of climate change as well as other social and environmental hazards.

Portrait of Stephanie Pfirman

Stephanie Pfirman


School of Ocean Futures Faculty

Pfirman focuses on understanding and responding to the changing Arctic, developing innovative approaches to formal and informal education, and exploring the intersection between diversity and interdisciplinarity.

Portrait of Erinanne Saffell

Erinanne Saffell

Associate Teaching Professor

School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

Erinanne Saffell is the Arizona State Climatologist and Director of the Arizona State Climate Office. Her main research interests are extreme weather events and impacts of the Urban Heat Island.

Portrait of Zhihua Wang

Zhihua Wang

Associate Professor

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

  • 480/727-2933
  • 777 E. University Drive WCPH (ISTB7) Mail Code 8704

Wang’s research interests include multiscale urban climate modeling, land-atmospheric interactions, landscape and infrastructure management, urban environmental sustainability study and energy efficiency analysis.