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Hydrology, geochemistry, geology, engineering, planet

Hydrology, the movement of water, plays a crucial role in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Both are fundamental and interconnected processes that affect the availability of Earth’s resources and influence the overall health and stability of ecosystems.

Portrait of Ariel Anbar

Ariel Anbar

President’s Professor

School Of Earth and Space Exploration

Anbar is an ASU President’s Professor, expert in Earth’s evolution as an inhabited world. He pioneers digital learning innovation as Director of ASU’s Center for Education Through Exploration.

Portrait of Ronald Dorn

Ronald Dorn


School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

Dorn, professor of geography, is also co-coordinator of the Arizona Geographic Alliance, a K-12 outreach program to promote geographic education in Arizona.

Portrait of Jay Famiglietti

Jay Famiglietti


School of Sustainability

  • Walton Center for Planetary Health 777 E University Drive, 592F

Jay Famiglietti is a Global Futures Professor in the School of Sustainability. His research group uses satellites and develops advanced computer models to track how freshwater availability is changing around the world.

Portrait of Arjun Heimsath

Arjun Heimsath


School Of Earth and Space Exploration

Heimsath researches how the earth’s surface changes under the influence of climate, tectonic and human forcing. He runs a geochemistry lab to quantify surface processes and teaches undergraduate and graduate students.

Portrait of Saurav Kumar

Saurav Kumar

Assistant Professor

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

  • 602/496-5719
  • Rm 422 Rob & Melani Walton Center For Planetary Health 765 E University Dr

Kumar is interested in developing methods that integrate disparate data streams. His work is on developing models for water systems, integrating aerial and satellite remote sensing with models, and hyperspectral image acquisition and processing.

Portrait of Upmanu Lall

Upmanu Lall

Director and Professor Fiscal Summer Eligible

School of Complex Adaptive Systems

Lall is the director of the Water Institute at the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University.

Portrait of Giuseppe Mascaro

Giuseppe Mascaro

Associate Professor

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

Dr. Mascaro’s research interests stochastic hydrology, watershed modeling, hydroclimatology, climate change, infrastructure modeling, and the food-water-energy nexus.

Portrait of Rebecca Muenich

Rebecca Muenich

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

Muenich is a watershed modeler focused on surface hydrology and water quality, especially in agricultural ecosystems. She focuses on evaluating the impact of land management decisions within the food-energy-water nexus.

Portrait of Ted Pavlic

Ted Pavlic

Associate Professor

School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence

Pavlic (electrical eng., computer sci., & behavioral ecology) uses ecological thinking to enhance design of engineered complex adaptive systems and engineering tools to find new perspectives on biological form and function.

Portrait of Peter Schlosser

Peter Schlosser

Vice President, Vice Provost and Professor

Global Futures Laboratory

Schlosser, a renowned Earth scientist, leads the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at ASU.

Portrait of Everett Shock

Everett Shock


School Of Earth and Space Exploration

Shock studies how geologic processes have geochemical consequences that enable biological responses through fieldwork in extreme ecosystems, hydrothermal experiments on organic transformations, and modeling of water-organic-rock-microbe systems

Portrait of Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert

Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert

Assistant Professor

School Of Earth and Space Exploration

Trembath-Reichert is a geobiologist studying microbial life in the deepest, darkest portions our planet to understand its limits, origins and extensibility beyond Earth.

Portrait of Leon van Paassen

Leon van Paassen

Associate Research Professor Non-Exempt

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

Van Paassen’s research interests are engineering geology, geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering, environmental biotechnology, soil mechanics and ground improvement.

Portrait of Enrique Vivoni

Enrique Vivoni


School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

  • WCPH Room 418 777 E. University Dr. Building 79

Vivoni researches modeling of watershed processes, eco-hydrology and hydro-meteorology of semiarid regions, environmental sensing technologies applications, climate and land use change impacts and stakeholder engagement.

Portrait of Meenakshi Wadhwa

Meenakshi Wadhwa

Director and Regents’ Professor

School Of Earth and Space Exploration

Wadhwa is an isotope cosmochemist interested in the time scales and processes involved in the formation and evolution of the Solar System. She serves as the Director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration.

Portrait of Kelin Whipple

Kelin Whipple


School Of Earth and Space Exploration

Kelin Whipple is a geomorphologist interested in the interactions among climate, topography, and tectonics. His research integrates field, experimental, remote sensing, and numerical approaches.

Portrait of Tianfang Xu

Tianfang Xu

Assistant Professor

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

Xu’s research focuses on numerical simulation of groundwater flow and solute transport, uncertainty quantification and applications of machine learning in geoscience.

Portrait of Ruijie Zeng

Ruijie Zeng

Assistant Professor

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

Zeng works on enhancing mechanistic understanding, predictable capability, hydrologic modeling and sustainable management of watersheds.

Portrait of Mikhail Zolotov

Mikhail Zolotov

Research Professor Multi-Year

School Of Earth and Space Exploration

  • Physical Science Building PSF514

Mikhail Zolotov is a planetary geochemist. He uses physical-chemical methods to understand chemical processes and mineralogical changes in solar system environments that involve rocks, gases, and fluids.