Phoenix GHG Inventory

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This project provided the City of Phoenix with an assessment of progress toward its 40% greenhouse gas emission reduction goal across its municipal operations by 2025. This was achieved by updating existing municipal operations and community GHG emission inventories for the 2022 calendar year, aligning with the City’s broader goal of reducing GHG emissions 50% by 2030, as outlined in the 2021 edition of the Phoenix Climate Action Plan.


During the assessment period, GHG emissions in Phoenix decreased, despite a 12.8% growth in population and significant economic expansion in the metro area over the same period. In 2022, City of Phoenix government operations released 28% fewer GHG emissions than the 2005 baseline level. Community wide, the City’s emissions were 10% lower in 2022 than they were at the 2012 baseline level.

This project demonstrated the City’s capability to reduce emissions while continuing to grow in both population and economic activity.

Project partners

●  Northern Arizona University

Phoenix GHG Inventory

The project assesses Phoenix’s progress in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by 40%  across municipal operations and within the community by 2025.