Journal article

Chen, W.-S., B. R. Bakshi, P. K. Goel, and S. Ungarala, Bayesian Estimation via Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling: Unconstrained Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, 14, 4012-4025, 2004

Hau, J. L., and B. R. Bakshi, Promise and Problems of Emergy Analysis, Ecological Modelling, special issue in honor of H. T. Odum, 178, 215-225, 2004

Aradhye, H. B., B. R. Bakshi, J. F. Davis, and S. C. Ahalt, Clustering in Wavelet Domain: A Multiresolution ART Network for Anomaly Detection, IChE Journal, 50, 10, 2455-2466, 2004

Ukidwe, N. U., and B. R. Bakshi, Thermodynamic Accounting of Ecosystem Contribution to Economic Sectors with Application to 1992 US Economy, Environmental Science and Technology, 38, 18, 4810-4827, 2004

Yi, H.-S., J. L. Hau, N. U. Ukidwe, and B. R. Bakshi, Hierarchical Thermodynamic Metrics for Evaluating the Environmental Sustainability of Industrial Processes, Environmental Progress, special issue on Sustainable Engineering, 23, 4, 302-314, 2004

Ukidwe, N. U., and B. R. Bakshi, Flow of Natural versus Economic Capital in Industrial Supply Networks and its Implications to Sustainability, Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 24, 9759-9769, 2005

Rawlings, J. B., and B R. Bakshi, Particle Filtering and Moving Horizon Estimation, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 30, 10-12, 1529-1541, 2006

Ukidwe, N. U., and Bakshi, B. R., Industrial and Ecological Cumulative Exergy Consumption of the United States via the 1997 Input-Output Benchmark Model, Energy, 32, 1560-1592, 2007

Yi, H.-S., and Bakshi, B. R., Rectification of Multiscale Data with Application to Life Cycle Inventories. AIChE Journal, 53, 4, 876-890, 2007

Chen, W.-S., Lang, L., Bakshi, B. R., Goel, P. K., and Ungarala, S.,Bayesian Estimation via Sequential Monte Carlo Sampling – Constrained Dynamic Systems, Automatica, 43, 1615-1622, 2007