Journal article

Zhong, H., Bakshi, B. R., Jiang, P., and Fan, L.-S., Multifractal Characterization of Flow in Circulating Fluidized Beds, The Chemical Engineering Journal, special issue on Chaos and Fractals in Chemical Engineering, 64, 107-115, 1996

Bakshi, B. R., P. Bansal and M. Nounou, Multiscale Rectification of Random Errors without Process Models, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 21, S1167-S1172, 1997

Bakshi, B. R., Multiscale PCA with Application to Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring, AIChE Journal , 44, 7, 1596-1610, 1998

Bakshi, B. R. and R. Chatterjee, Unification of Neural and Statistical Methods as Applied to Materials Structure-Property Mapping, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 279, 1, 39-46, 1998

Bakshi, B. R. and U. Utojo, Unification of Neural and Statistical Methods that Combine Inputs by Linear Projection, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 22, 12, 1859-1878, 1998

Bakshi, B. R. and U. Utojo, A Common Framework and Overview for the Unification of Neural, Chemometric and Statistical Modeling Methods, Analytica Chimica Acta, special issue on neural networks, 384, 227-247, 1999

Nounou, M. N. and B. R. Bakshi, Online Multiscale Filtering of Random and Gross Errors Without Process Models, AIChE Journal, 45, 5, 1041-1058, 1999

Bakshi, B. R., Multiscale Analysis and Modeling Using Wavelets, Journal of Chemometrics, 13, 3-4, 415-434, 1999

Kano, M., K. Nagao, S. Hasebe, I. Hashimoto, H. Ohno, R. Strauss, and B. Bakshi, Comparison of Statistical Process Monitoring Methods: Application to the Eastman Challenge Problem, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24, 2-7, 175-181, 2000 (proceedings of PSE 2000, plenary talk)

Ungarala, S., and B. R. Bakshi, A Multiscale, Bayesian and Error-In-Variables Approach for Linear Dynamic Data Rectification. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24, 2-7, 445-451, 2000 (proceedings of PSE 2000)