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Shutters, S.T., K. Waters (2022). Industrial structure and a tradeoff between productivity and resilience. Business and Economics 17(3):224-240

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3702545.

Journal article.


Lobo, J, M Alberti, M Allen-Dumas, LMA Bettencourt, A Beukes, LA Bojórquez Tapia, W-Q Chen, A Dodge, Z Neal, A Perreira, D Pfeiffer, A Revi, D Roberts, C Rozenblat, ST Shutters, ME Smith, E Stokes, D Strumsky, J Wu (2021) A Convergence Research Perspective on Graduate Education for Sustainable Urban Systems Science. npj Urban Sustainability 1:39.

DOI: 10.1038/s42949-021-00044-8.

Journal article.

Painter, D.T.; Shutters, S.T.; Wentz, E. Innovations and Economic Output Scale with Social Interactions in the Workforce. Urban Sci. 2021, 5, 21.

DOI: 10.3390/urbansci5010021.

Journal article.

Rybski D, Pradhan P, Shutters ST, Butsic V, Kropp JP (2021) Characterizing the sectoral development of cities. PLoS ONE 16(7): e0254601.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254601.

Journal article.

Shutters ST, Kandala SS, Wei F, Kinzig AP. Resilience of Urban Economic Structures Following the Great Recession. Sustainability. 2021; 13(4):2374.

DOI: 10.3390/su13042374.

Journal article.

Shutters, S.T., H. Seibert, B. Alm, K. Waters (2021). Industry interconnectedness and regional economic growth in Germany. IAB Discussion Paper 202107, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg, Germany.

Journal article.

Shutters, ST (2021) Modelling long-term COVID-19 impacts on the U.S. workforce of 2029. Plos One 16(12):e0260797

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260797.

Journal article.


Applegate, J.M., Lampert, A., “Firm size populations modeled through competition-colonization dynamics.” J Evol Econ (2020).

DOI: 10.1007/s00191-020-00703-6#citeas.

Journal article.

Lobo, J., M. Alberti, M. Allen-Dumas, E. Arcaute, M. Barthelemy, L.A. Bojorquez Tapia, S. Brail, L.M.A Bettencourt, A. Beukes, W.-Q. Chen, R. Florida, M. Gonzalez, N. Grimm, M. Hamilton, C. Kempes, C.E. Kontokosta, C. Mellander, Z.P. Neal, S. Ortman, D. Pfeiffer, M. Price, A. Revi, C. Rozenblat, D. Rybski, M. Siemiatycki, S.T. Shutters, M.E. Smith, E.C. Stokes, D. Strumsky, G. West, D. White, J. Wu, V.C. Yang, A. York, H. Youn (2020). Urban Science: Integrated Theory from the First Cities to Sustainable Metropolises. SSRN Electronic Journal.

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3526940.

Journal article.

Shutters,S.T., K. Waters (2020). Inferring networks of interdependent labor skills to illuminate urban economic structure. Entropy 22(10):1078.

DOI: 10.3390/e22101078.

Journal article.


Shutters, S.T. (2018). Urban Science: Putting the “Smart” in Smart Cities. Urban Science 2(4):94.

DOI: 10.3390/urbansci2040094.

Journal article.

Shutters, S.T., J. Lobo, R. Muneepeerakul, D. Strumsky, C. Mellander, M. Brachert, T. Farinha-Fernandes, L.M.A Bettencourt (2018). The relationship between density and scale in information networks: The case of urban occupational networks. PLoS ONE 13(5):e0196915.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196915.

Journal article.


Shutters, S.T., R. Muneepeerakul, J. Lobo (2016). Constrained pathways to a creative urban economy. Urban Studies 53(16):3439-3454

DOI: 10.1177/0042098015616892.

Journal article.

Shutters, S.T., R. Muneepeerakul, J. Lobo (2016). How hard is it for urban economies to become “green”? Environment and Planning B 43(1):198-209.

DOI: 10.1177/0265813515600108.

Journal article.


McHale, M.R., S.T.A. Pickett, O. Barbosa, D.N. Bunn, M.L. Cadenasso, D.L. Childers, M. Gartin, G. Hess, D.M. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M.N. Peterson, A.K. Poole, L. Rivers III, S.T. Shutters, W. Zhou (2015). The New Global Urban Realm: Complex, Connected, Diffuse, and Diverse Social-Ecological Systems. Sustainability 7(5):5211-5240.

DOI: 10.3390/su7055211.

Journal article.

Shutters, S.T., R. Muneepeerakul, J. Lobo (2015). Quantifying urban economic resilience through labour force interdependence. Palgrave Communications 1(201510):1-7.

DOI: 10.1057/palcomms.2015.10.

Journal article.


Qubbaj, M., S.T. Shutters, R. Muneepeerakul (2014). Living in a network of scaling cities and finite resources. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 77(2):390-407.

DOI: 10.1007/s11538-014-9949-3.

Journal article.


Muneepeerakul, R., J. Lobo, S.T. Shutters, A. Gomez-Lievano, M. Qubbaj (2013). Urban Economies and Occupation Space: Can They Get “There” from “Here”? PLoS ONE 8(9):e73676.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073676.

Journal article.

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