Journal article

Chock, T., A. Antoninka, A. M. Faist, M. A. Bowker, J. C. Belnap and N. N. Barger. 2019. Responses of biological soil crusts to rehabilitation strategies. Journal of Arid Environments 163(Apr):77-89.

Chandler, D. G., N. Day, M. D. Madsen and J. Belnap. 2019. Amendments fail to hasten biocrust recovery or soil stability at a disturbed dryland sandy site. Restoration Ecology 27(2):289-297.

Cerveny, R. S., R. C. Balling, M. Lawson and N. V. Cerveny. 2019. Meteorology’s emerald jewel: Valentia Observatory. Weatherwise 73(1):14-19.

Cao, Q., J. Wu, D. Yu and W. Wang. 2019. The biophysical effects of the vegetation restoration program on regional climate metrics in the Loess Plateau, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 268(Apr):16-180.

Campos, H., W. J. Boeing and H. L. Throop. 2019. Decaying woodrat (Neotoma spp.) middens increase soil resources and accelerate decomposition of contemporary litter. Journal of Arid Environments 171(Dec):104007.

Bohn, T., K. M. Whitney, G. Mascaro and E. R. Vivoni. 2019. A deterministic approach for approximating the diurnal cycle of precipitation for use in large-scale hydrological modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology 20(2):297–317.

Bohn, T. and E. R. Vivoni. 2019. MOD-LSP, MODIS-based parameters for hydrologic modeling of North American land cover change. Scientific Data 6:Art. 144.

Bethany, J., A. Giraldo-Silva, C. Nelson, N. N. Barger and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2019. Optimizing the production of nursery-based biological soil crusts for restoration of arid land soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85(15):e00735-19.

Bastida, F., D. J. Eldridge, S. Abades, F. D. Alfaro, A. Gallardo, L. García-Velázquez, C. Garcia, S. C. Hart, C. A. Perez, F. Santos, P. Trivedi, M. A. Williams and M. Delgado-Baquerizo. 2019. Climatic vulnerabilities and ecological preferences of soil invertebrates across biomes. Molecular Ecology 29(4):752-761.

Ball, B. A., M. P. Christman and S. J. Hall. 2019. Nutrient dynamics during photodegradation of plant litter in the Sonoran Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 160(Jan):1-10.