Journal article

Ding, J., S. K. Travers, M. Delgado-Baquerizo and D. J. Eldridge. 2019. Multiple trade‐offs regulate the effects of woody plant removal on biodiversity and ecosystem functions in global rangelands. Global Change Biology 26(2):709–720.

Delgado-Baquerizo, M., G. Doulcier, D. J. Eldridge, D. B. Stouffer, F. Maestre, J. Wang, J. R. Powell, T. C. Jeffries and B. K. Singh. 2019. Increases in aridity lead to drastic shifts in the assembly of dryland complex microbial networks. Land Degtradation & Development 31(3):.

Delgado-Baquerizo, M., R. D. Bardgett, P. M. Vitousek, F. Maestre, M. A. Williams, D. J. Eldridge, H. Lambers, S. Neuhauser, A. Gallardo, L. García-Velázquez, O. E. Sala, S. Abades, F. D. Alfaro, A. A. Berhe, M. A. Bowker, C. M. Currier, N. A. Cutler, S. C. Hart, P. E. Hayes, Z. Hseu, M. Kirchmair, V. M. Pena-Ramirez, C. A. Perez, S. C. Reed, F. Santos, C. Siebe, B. W. Sullivan, L. Weber-Grullon and N. Fierer. 2019. Changes in belowground biodiversity during ecosystem development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(14):6891-6896.

De Boeck, H. J., J. M. Bloor, R. Aerts, M. Bahn, C. Beier, B. A. Emmett, M. Estiarte, J. M. Grunzweig, A. H. Halbritter, P. Holub, A. Jentsch, K. Klem, J. Kreyling, G. Kroel-Dulay, K. Steenberg Larsen, A. Milcu, J. Roy, B. D. Sigurdsson, M. D. Smith, M. Sternberg, V. Vandvik, T. Wohlgemuth, I. Nijs and A. K. Knapp. 2019. Understanding ecosystems of the future will require more than realistic climate change experiments – A response to Korell et al.. Global Change Biology 26(2):e6-e7.

Couradeau, E., A. Giraldo-Silva, F. de Martini and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2019. Spatial segregation of the biological soil crust microbiome around its foundational cyanobacterium, Microcoleus vaginatus, and the formation of a nitrogen-fixing cyanosphere. Microbiome 7:Art. 55.

Corman, J. R., S. L. Collins, E. M. Cook, X. Dong, L. A. Gherardi, N. B. Grimm, R. L. Hale, T. Liu, J. Ramos, L. G. Reichmann and O. E. Sala. 2019. Foundations and frontiers of ecosystem science: Legacy of a classic paper (Odum 1969). Ecosystems 22(5):1160-1172.

Copeland, S. M., S. M. Munson, J. B. Bradford and B. J. Butterfield. 2019. Influence of climate, post‐treatment weather extremes, and soil factors on vegetation recovery after restoration treatments in the southwestern US. Applied Vegetation Science 22(1):85-95.

Collins, S. L. and A. K. Knapp. 2019. NEON should be run by ecologists for ecologists. BioScience 69(5):319.

Clark, C. M., S. M. Simkin, E. B. Allen, W. D. Bowman, J. C. Belnap, M. L. Brooks, S. L. Collins, L. H. Geiser, F. S. Gilliam, S. E. Jovan, L. H. Pardo, B. K. Schulz, C. J. Stevens, K. N. Suding, H. L. Throop and D. M. Waller. 2019. Potential vulnerability of 348 herbaceous species to atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in the United States. Nature Plants 5:697-705.

Chung, Y. A., S. L. Collins and J. A. Rudgers. 2019. Connecting plant–soil feedbacks to long-term stability in a desert grassland. Ecology 100(8):e02756.