Journal article

Gravuer, K., S. Gennet and H. L. Throop. 2019. Organic amendment additions to rangelands: A meta-analysis of multiple ecosystem outcomes. Global Change Biology 25(3):1152-1170.

Giraldo-Silva, A., C. Nelson, N. N. Barger and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2019. Nursing biocrusts: isolation, cultivation, and fitness test of indigenous cyanobacteria. Restoration Ecology 28(4):793-803.

Gherardi, L. A. and O. E. Sala. 2019. Global patterns and climatic controls of belowground net carbon fixation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117(33):20038-20043.

Gherardi, L. A. and O. E. Sala. 2019. Effect of interannual precipitation variability on dryland productivity: A global synthesis. Global Change Biology 25(1):269-276.

Garcia-Pichel, F., J. Lombard, T. Soule, S. Dunaj, S. H. Wu and M. F. Wojciechowski. 2019. Timing the evolutionary advent of cyanobacteria and the later great oxidation event using gene phylogenies of a sunscreen. mBio 10(3):e00561-19.

Frazier, A. E., B. A. Bryan, A. Buyantuev, L. Chen, C. Echeverria, P. Jia, L. Liu, Q. Li, Z. Ouyang, J. Wu, W. Xiang, J. Yang, L. Wang and S. Zhao. 2019. Ecological civilization: Perspectives from landscape ecology and landscape sustainability science. Landscape Ecology 34:1-8.

Franco, A. L., B. W. Sobral, A. L. Silva and D. H. Wall. 2019. Amazonian deforestation and soil biodiversity. Conservation Biology 33(3):590-600.

Franco, A. L., L. A. Gherardi, C. Milano de Tomasel, W. S. Andriuzzi, K. E. Ankrom, E. A. Shaw, E. M. Bach, O. E. Sala and D. H. Wall. 2019. Drought suppresses soil predators and promotes root herbivores in mesic, but not in xeric grasslands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(26):12883-12888.

Fernandez, I. C., J. Wu and J. A. Simonetti. 2019. The urban matrix matters: Quantifying the effects of surrounding urban vegetation on natural habitat remnants in Santiago de Chile. Landscape and Urban Planning 187(Jul):181-190.

Fan, P., J. Chen and J. Wu. 2019. Evolving landscapes under institutional change, globalization, and cultural influence in contrasting urban systems. Landscape and Urban Planning 187(Jul):129-131.