Journal article

Ko, A., G. Mascaro and E. R. Vivoni. 2019. Strategies to improve and evaluate physics-based hyerresolution hydrologic simulations at regional basin scales. Water Resources Research 55(2):1129-1152.

Knapp, A. K. and S. L. Collins. 2019. Reimagining NEON operations: We can do better. BioScience 69(12):956-959.

Joly, F., A. K. Weibel, M. Coulis and H. L. Throop. 2019. Rainfall frequency, not quantity, controls isopod effect on litter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135(Aug):154-162.

Jia, P., J. Lakerveld, J. Wu, A. Stein, E. D. Root, C. E. Sabel, R. Vermeulen, J. V. Remais, X. Chen, R. C. Brownson, S. Amer, Q. Xiao, L. Wang, W. M. Verschuren, T. Wu, Y. Wang and P. James. 2019. Top 10 research priorities in spatial lifecourse epidemiology. Environmental Health Perspectives 127(7):.

Jiang, Y., Q. Zhang, J. Niu and J. Wu. 2019. Pastoral population growth and land use policy ha signficantly impacted livestock structure in Inner Mongolia — a case study in the Xilinhot region. Sustainability 11(24):7208.

Hu, G., M. C. Wilson, J. Wu and M. Yu. 2019. Decoupling species richness variation and spatial turnover in beta diversity across a fragmented landscape. PeerJ 7:e6714.

Huang, L., W. Xiang, J. Wu, C. Traxler and J. Huang. 2019. Integrating geodesign with landscape sustainability science. Sustainability 11(3):833.

Hewins, D. B., H. Lee, P. W. Barnes, N. G. McDowell, W. T. Pockman, T. Rahn and H. L. Throop. 2019. Early exposure to UV radiation overshadowed by precipitation and litter quality as drivers of decomposition in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. PLOS One 14(2):e0210470.

Guo, X., G. Huang, P. Jia and J. Wu. 2019. Estimating fine-scale heat vulnerability in Beijing through two approaches: Spatial patterns, similarities, and divergence. Remote Sensing 22(20):2358.

Griffin-Nolan, R. J., D. M. Blumenthal, S. L. Collins, T. E. Farkas, A. M. Hoffman, K. E. Mueller, T. W. Ocheltree, M. D. Smith, K. D. Whitney and A. K. Knapp. 2019. Shifts in plant functional composition following long-term drought in grassland. Journal of Ecology 107(5):2133-2148.