Journal article

Nardi, F., A. Annis, G. Di Baldassarre, E. R. Vivoni and S. Grimaldi. 2019. GFPLAIN250m, a global high-resolution dataset of Earth’s floodplains. Scientific Data 6:Art. 190309.

Muñoz-Martín, M., I. Becerra-Absalón, E. Perona, L. Fernández-Valbuena, F. Garcia-Pichel and P. Mateo. 2019. Cyanobacterial biocrust diversity in Mediterranean ecosystems along a latitudinal and climatic gradient. New Phytologist 221(1):123-141.

Miller, O., D. Helman, T. Svoray, E. Morin and D. J. Bonfil. 2019. Explicit wheat production model adjusted for semi-arid environments. Field Crops Research 2231(Feb):94-104.

Mascaro, G., A. Ko and E. R. Vivoni. 2019. Closing the loop of satellite soil moisture estimation via scale invariance of hydrologic simulations. Scientific Reports 9:Art. 16123.

Majumdar, D. and M. J. Pasqualetti. 2019. Analysis of land availability for utility-scale power plants and assessment of solar photovoltaic development in the state of Arizona, USA. Renewable Energy 134(Apr):1213-1231.

Machado de Lima, N. M., V. M. Fernandes, D. Roush, S. Velazco-Ayuso, J. Rigonato, F. Garcia-Pichel and L. H. Zanini Branco. 2019. The compositionally distinct cyanobacterial biocrusts from Brazilian savanna and their environmental drivers of community diversity. Frontiers in Microbiology 10.

Liu, Z., M. Deng, C. He, J. Li and J. Wu. 2019. The impairment of environmental sustainability due to rapid urbanization in the dryland region of northern China. Landscape and Urban Planning 187(Jul):165-180.

Liu, X., F. Pei, Y. Wen, X. Li, S. Wang, C. Wu, . , J. Wu, J. Chen, K. Feng, J. Liu, K. Hubacek, S. J. Davis, W. Yuan, L. Yu and Z. Liu. 2019. Global urban expansion offsets climate-driven increases in terrestrial net primary productivity. Nature Communications 10:Art. 5558.

Ladwig, L. M., S. L. Collins, D. J. Krofcheck and W. T. Pockman. 2019. Minimal mortality and rapid recovery of the dominant shrub Larrea tridentata following an extreme cold event in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Vegetation Science 30(5):963-972.

Komatsu, K., M. L. Avolio, N. P. Lemoine, F. Isbell, E. Grman, G. R. Houseman, S. E. Koerner, D. S. Johnson, K. R. Wilcox, J. M. Alatalo, J. P. Anderson, R. Aerts, S. G. Baer, A. H. Baldwin, J. Bates, C. Beierkuhnlein, R. T. Belote, J. Blair, J. M. Bloor, P. J. Bohlen, E. W. Bork, E. H. Boughton, W. D. Bowman, A. J. Britton, J. F. Cahill Jr, E. Chaneton, N. R. Chiariello, J. Cheng, S. L. Collins, J. H. Cornelissen, G. Du, A. Eskelinen, J. Fim, B. Foster, L. Gough, K. Gross, L. M. Hallett, X. Han, H. Harmens, M. J. Hovenden, A. Jagerbrand, A. Jentsch, C. Kern, K. Klanderud, A. K. Knapp, J. Kreyling, W. Li, Y. Luo, R. L. McCulley, J. R. McLaren, J. P. Megonigal, J. W. Morgan, V. G. Onipchenko, S. C. Pennings, J. Prevey, J. N. Price, P. B. Reich, C. H. Robinson, F. L. Russell, O. E. Sala, E. W. Seabloom, M. D. Smith, N. A. Soudzilovskaia, L. Souza, K. N. Suding, K. B. Suttle, T. Svejcar, D. Tilman, P. M. Tognetti, R. Turkington, S. R. White, Z. Xu, L. Yahdjian, Q. Yu, P. Zhang and Y. Zhang. 2019. Global change effects on plant communities are magnified by time and the number of global change factors imposed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(36):17867-17873.