Journal article

Kindler, M., E. R. Vivoni, E. R. Perez-Ruiz and Z. Wang. 2022. Water conservation potential of modified turf grass irrigation in urban parks of Phoenix, Arizona. Ecohydrology 14(3):e2399.

Hudson, A. R., D. P. Peters, J. M. Blair, D. L. Childers, P. T. Doran, K. Geil, M. N. Gooseff, K. Gross, N. M. Haddad, M. A. Pastore, J. A. Rudgers, O. E. Sala, E. W. Seabloom and G. Shaver. 2022. Cross-site comparisons of dryland ecosystem responses to climate change in the US Long-Term Ecological Research network. BioScience 72(9):889-907.

Garcia-Pichel, F. and O. E. Sala. 2022. Expanding the pulse-reserve paradigm to microorganisms on the basis of differential reserve management strategies. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2022.02.24.481838.

Daniels, Q. F. and H. L. Throop. 2022. Ecophysiological responses of Terminalia sericea to fire history in a semi-arid woodland savanna, central Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 146(My):205-212.

Collins, S. L. 2022. Until we meet again. BioScience 72(2):111.

Chen, J., R. John, J. Yuan, E. A. Mack, P. Groisman, G. Allington, J. Wu, P. Fan, K. M. de Beurs and A. Karnieli. 2022. Sustainability challenges for the social-environmental systems across the Asian Drylands Belt. Environmental Research Letters 17(2):023001.

Ball, B. A., P. Convey, K. L. Feeser, U. N. Nielsen and D. J. Van Horn. 2022. Environmental harshness mediates the relationship between aboveground and belowground communities in Antarctica. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 164(Kan):108493.

Ball, B. A., L. M. Christenson and K. G. Wickings. 2022. A cross-system analysis of litter chemical dynamics throughout decomposition. Ecosystems.

Ankrom, K. E., A. L. Franco, S. J. Fonte, L. A. Gherardi, C. Milano de Tomasel, C. Wepking, P. Guan, S. Cui, S. H. Salama and D. H. Wall. 2022. Ecological maturity and stability of nematode communities in response to precipitation manipulations in grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology 170(Feb):104263.