Journal article

He, C., Z. Liu, J. Wu, X. Pan, Z. Feng, . and B. A. Bryan. 2021. Future global urban water scarcity and potential solutions. nature communications 12:Art. 4667.

Harms, T. K., P. M. Groffman, L. Aluwihare, C. Craft, W. R. Wieder, S. E. Hobbie, S. G. Baer, J. M. Blair, S. D. Frey, C. K. Remucal, J. A. Rudgers, S. L. Collins, J. S. Kominoski, B. A. Ball and . LTER OM Working Group. 2021. Patterns and trends of organic matter processing and transport: Insights from the US long-term ecological research network. Climate Change Ecology 2(Dec):100025.

Gonzalez-de-Salceda, L. and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2021. The allometry of cellular DNA and ribosomal gene content among microbes and its use for the assessment of microbiome community structure. BMC Microbiome 9:Art. 173.

Finn, D. R., J. Maldonado, F. de Martini, J. Yu, C. R. Penton, R. S. Fontenele, K. Schmidlin, S. Kraberger, A. Varsani, G. H. Gile, B. Barker, D. R. Kollath, R. L. Muenich, P. Herckes, M. Fraser and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2021. Agricultural practices drive biological loads, seasonal patterns and potential pathogens in the aerobiome of a mixed-land-use dryland. Scence of The Total Environment 798(Dec):149239.

Fernandes, V. M., A. Giraldo-Silva, D. Roush and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2021. Coleofasciculaceae, a monophyletic home for the Microcoleus steenstrupii complex and other desiccation-tolerant filamentous cyanobacteria. Journal of Phycology 57(5):1563-1579.

Fang, X., J. Wu and C. He. 2021. Assessing human-Environment system sustainability based on Regional Safe and Just Operating Space: The case of the Inner Mongolia Grassland. environmental Science & Policy 116(Feb):276-286.

Díaz de León-Guerrero, S., R. Mendez-Alonzo, S. Bullock and E. R. Vivoni. 2021. Hydrological and topographic determinants of biomass and species richness in a Mediterranean-climate shrubland. PLOS One 16(5): e0252154.

Custodio Franco, A., P. Guan, S. Cui, C. Milano de Tomasel, L. A. Gherardi, O. E. Sala and D. H. Wall. 2021. Precipitation effects on nematode diversity and carbon footprint across grasslands. Global Change Biology 28(6):2124-2132.

Collins, S. L., J. B. Nippert, J. M. Blair, J. M. Briggs, P. Blackmore and Z. Ratajczak. 2021. Fire frequency, state change and hysteresis in tallgrass prairie. Ecology Letters 24(4):636-647.

Collins, S. L. 2021. Will anyone listen this time?. BioScience 71(9):891.