Journal article

Muraina, T. O., C. Xu, Q. Yu, Y. Yang, M. Jing, X. Jia, M. Shahariar Jaman, Q. Dam, A. K. Knapp, S. L. Collins, Y. Luo, W. Luo, X. Zuo, X. Xin, X. Han and M. D. Smith. 2021. Species asynchrony stabilises productivity under extreme drought across Northern China grasslands. Journal of Ecology 109(4):1665-1675.

Meng, B., R. Ochoa-Hueso, J. Li, S. Zhong, Y. Yao, X. Yang, S. L. Collins and W. Sun. 2021. Nonlinear decoupling of autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in response to drought duration and N addition in a meadow steppe. Biology and Fertility of Soils 57:281-291.

Meng, B., J. Li, G. E. Maurer, S. Zhong, Y. Yao, X. Yang, S. L. Collins and W. Sun. 2021. Nitrogen addition amplifies the nonlinear drought response of grassland productivity to extended growing-season droughts. Ecology 102(11):e03483.

Meili, N., G. Manoli, P. Burlando, J. Carmeliet, W. T. Chow, A. M. Coutts, M. Roth, E. Velasco, E. R. Vivoni and S. Fatichi. 2021. Tree effects on urban microclimate: Diurnal, seasonal, and climatic temperature differences explained by separating radiation, evapotranspiration, and roughness effects. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 58(Mar):126970.

Ma, Q., J. Wu, C. He and X. Fang. 2021. The speed, scale, and environmental and economic impacts of surface coal mining in the Mongolian Plateau. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 173(Oct):105730.

Ma, M., S. L. Collins, Z. Ratajczak and G. Du. 2021. Soill seed banks, alternative stable state theory, and ecosystem resilience. BioScience 71(7):697-707.

Luo, W., R. J. Griffin-Nolan, W. Ma, B. Liu, X. Zuo, C. Xu, Q. Yu, Y. Luo, P. Mariotte, M. D. Smith, S. L. Collins, A. K. Knapp, Z. Wang and X. Han. 2021. Plant traits and soil fertility mediate productivity losses under extreme drought in C3 grasslands. Ecology 102(10):e03465.

Lundgren, E., D. Ramp, J. Wu, M. Sluk, K. Moeller, J. C. Stromberg and A. D. Wallach. 2021. Feral equids’ varied effects on ecosystems—Response. Science 373(6558):973 -974.

Lundgren, E., D. Ramp, J. C. Stromberg, J. Wu, N. C. Nieto, M. Sluk, K. Moeller and A. D. Wallach. 2021. Equids engineer desert water availability. Science 372(6541):491 -495.

Loydi, A. and S. L. Collins. 2021. Extreme drought has limited effects on soil seed bank composition in desert grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 32(5):e13089.