Journal article

Bharath, S., E. T. Borer, L. A. Biederman, D. M. Blumenthal, P. A. Fay, L. A. Gherardi, J. M. Knops, A. D. Leakey, L. Yahdjian and E. W. Seabloom. 2020. Nutrient addition increases grassland sensitivity to droughts. Ecology 101(5):e02981.

Bestelmeyer, B. T., G. Marcillo, S. McCord, S. Mirsky, G. Moglen, L. G. Neven, D. Peters, C. Sohoulande and T. Wakie. 2020. Scaling up agricultural research with artificial intelligence. IT Professional 22(3):33-38.

Bateman, H. L. and S. B. Riddle. 2020. Reptile community responses to native and non‐native riparian forests and disturbance along two rivers in Arizona. River Research and Applications 36(3).

Bateman, H. L. and D. M. Merritt. 2020. Complex riparian habitats predict reptile and amphibian diversity. Global Ecology and Conservation 22(Jun):e00957.

Baer, S. G., T. Adams, D. A. Scott, J. M. Blair and S. L. Collins. 2020. Soil heterogeneity increases plant diversity after 20 years of manipulation during grassland restoration. Ecological Applications 30(1):e02014.

Bachelot, B., A. M. Alonso-Rodriguez, L. Aldrich-Wolfe, M. A. Cavaleri, S. C. Reed and T. E. Wood. 2020. Altered climate leads to positive density‐dependent feedbacks in a tropical wet forest. Global Change Biology 26(6):3417-3428.

Avolio, M. L., K. R. Wilcox, K. Komatsu, N. P. Lemoine, W. D. Bowman, S. L. Collins, A. K. Knapp, S. E. Koerner, M. D. Smith, S. G. Baer, K. Gross, F. Isbell, J. R. McLaren, P. B. Reich, K. N. Suding, K. B. Suttle, D. Tilman, Z. Xu and Q. Yu. 2020. Temporal variability in production is not consistently affected by global change drivers across herbaceous-dominated ecosystems. Oecologia 194:735-744.

Araujo, P. I., J. M. Pineiro-Guerra, L. Yahdjian, M. M. Acreche, C. Alvarez, C. R. Alavarez, A. Costantini, J. Chalco Vera, J. De Telleria, T. Della Chiesa, N. A. Lewczuk, M. Petrasek, C. Piccinetti, L. Picone, S. I. Portela, G. Posse, M. Seijo, C. Videla and G. Pineiro. 2020. Drivers of N2O emissions from natural forests and grasslands differ in space and time. Ecosystems.

Antoninka, A., M. A. Bowker, N. N. Barger, J. C. Belnap, A. Giraldo-Silva, S. C. Reed, F. Garcia-Pichel and M. C. Duniway. 2020. Addressing barriers to improve biocrust colonization and establishment in dryland restoration. Restoration Ecology 28(52):5150-5159.

Ankrom, K. E., A. L. Franco, S. J. Fonte, L. A. Gherardi, C. Milano de Tomasel, W. S. Andriuzzi, E. A. Shaw, O. E. Sala and D. H. Wall. 2020. Ecto- and endoparasitic nematodes respond differently across sites to changes in precipitation. Oecologia 193:761-771.